History of the Continuous column still: Plates, trays, bubble caps
Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 6:49 am
https://renegaderum.com/element/plates- ... bble-caps/
Another one from Renegade Rum - The history and science of the Continuous Column still. FYI: They are discussing their particular still, other stills will vary with materials/sizes/plate types/etc.
Another one from Renegade Rum - The history and science of the Continuous Column still. FYI: They are discussing their particular still, other stills will vary with materials/sizes/plate types/etc.
Continuous, Column, Patent, or Coffey Still are various titles for the same thing: continuous distillation in a column patented by Aeneus Coffey in 1830.
There have been various arrangements and improvements over the intervening 190 years or so, but the principle of efficient, continuous, fractional distillation over a more costly pot still distillation still stands today.
Upon its invention by Robert Stein and improvement by an Irish exciseman, Aeneus Coffey, it has been a contentious invention. Immediately Dublin’s pot still distillers turned their back on the invention fearing, quite rightly, that it produced inferior spirit quality. The Scots, though, adopted it with alacrity.