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New to this

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2019 3:41 am
by Miket1104
Hello everyone my name is mike. I am wanting to learn more about distilling and how to build a reflux still. I have been brewing beer with my father in law but I have been a help not the head man. Wanting to venture out into my own thing.

Re: New to this

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2019 3:41 pm
by Danespirit
Welcome in. :)

Well, as you've already been collecting information about the fermentation process, that should be the easier part by now.
You'll find a lot of recipes in here and a whole lot of still designs/plans etc.
Furthermore, you'll have a bunch of nice folks at hand to help you out and point you in the right direction.
However, active searching and learning are mandatory. It avoids a whole lot of questions being asked even though all info is right there.
An excellent way to get you on track is the spoonfeed thread written by Cranky (link in my signature).
Also, there are a lot of plans, tutorials, pictures, and build threads to inspire you for your own build.

Have fun and stay safe...

Re: New to this

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2019 3:55 pm
by fizzix
Just think, you can be the CEO, Chief Financier, Engineer, and janitor of your own setup.
And with our patented Clone-A-Brain™ system, we simply download all the knowledge directly into your head. :esurprised: :lolno:

Until then... Read & read, and use the Google Search... box up above.
You'll understand the basics quicker'n you think.

I hope you enjoy your stay here at Home Distiller. This hobby can be a lot of fun.
Welcome, Mike!