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Welcome from the desert
Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2020 5:02 am
by desert_distiller
I recently took a job overseas and and now have a wee bit of a challenge to procure spirits where I'm located. I've always had hobbies that involved building things. Combine the two and research on the net I came across this forum and pintoshine's copper pot still plans.
So I'm reading up on all the wonderful posts on this forum, and trying to figure out where to procure copper sheet and tubing in country.
Re: Welcome from the desert
Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2020 5:15 am
by Bushman
Welcome, being in a foreign country and willing to take up the hobby takes some nerve. Be careful!
Re: Welcome from the desert
Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2020 5:53 am
by cayars
You may want to consider something more clandestine and comes apart for hiding when not being used. Maybe something that looks like an industrial coffee maker and see if 2" stainless steel pipe is available.
Just as an example, this is the boiler for a Turbo 500 still. But see how it really doesn't look like a still. Something like that could sit on a shelf in plain site and no one would have any ideas. Hell it's a crab pot, chicken/turkey boiler, or a big old coffee brewer, etc...
Re: Welcome from the desert
Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 5:48 am
by desert_distiller
While illegal in the country, it is in effect tolerated so long as you keep it at home and aren't and idiot being drunk in public or selling your product. The houses are built with what is referred to as a still room and have been for at least the past 40 or 50 years. I have met several home brewers, wine makers and a very devoted craft distiller who makes a top notch gin, and I'm not a gin guy but could see taking it up. When you consider the effort and expense to bring supplies in with ones luggage, they are a devoted crew!
I appreciate the concern and don't plan to be an idiot or post pictures, brag, etc. I don't like posting to forums using a handle, but in this case will take discretion as the better part of valor. As such I'll likely not be as active as I am on my other hobby forums but will ask the occasional question.
The only grain commonly found is rice, so I'll likely be limited to sugar washes, sugar/molasses and some sugar/fruit mixes.
If I can't procure copper sheet, a column still or hybrid pressure cooker design would be an option. But I'm a traditionalist and there is something appealing about a little copper pot still, thumper and worm doing it's thing one drop at a time.
Re: Welcome from the desert
Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 10:04 am
by 8Ball
Clawhammer will send you all the copper parts you need in a flat cardboard box. Worked for me. You just have to get a few more basic plumbing supplies. I am sure there are others. Full disclosure: I don’t care if anyone buys anything from CH. Just trying to help.