Poor Man’s Irish All Grain & Sugar Head
Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 6:23 pm
Poor Man’s Irish AG
Grain Bill
○ Unmalted
1.00 # Steam rolled barley, roasted 6.3%
0.50 # Rolled oats, Quaker 3.1%
1.50 # Flaked maize, brewers 9.4%
1.00 # Flaked rye 6.3%
○ 4.00 # unmalted @ 25%
○ Malted
3.75 # Simpsons Golden Promise, malt barley 23.5%
3.75 # 2-row pale malt barley 23.5%
3.75 # Amber malt red wheat 23.5%
0.75 # malt rye 4.7%
○ 12.0 # malted @ 75%
Pot 1: Unmalted Grains
2 spoons Fermax
Pinch epsom salts
Tiny pinch ascorbic acid
1 spoon gypsum
1 each multi/B-cx
1 spoon bread yeast as nutrient
2.5G water and adjuncts heated to 195F.
Add grains and settle at 190F.
Add HTL-A and maintain 185-190F x 60 mins.
Let cool to 175F then transfer to Pot 2 Malted Grains.
Pot 2: Malted Grains
Pinch epsom salts
Tiny pinch ascorbic acid
1 spoon gypsum
4.5G water and adjuncts heated to 116F.
Add malts while power stirring.
Let settle at 112F x 30 mins.
Add contents of Pot 2 which is at ~ 175F. This should bring the temperature up to the second step mash range of 120-125F. Rest x 60 mins.
Add 1G backset, Amy-G, and alpha amylase.
Slowly bring heat up to 148F while power stirring.
Cut heat, wrap with blanket, and let it rest x 90 mins.
Do iodine check for conversion & take SG reading: 1.065 (98.4% conversion efficiency), will go up after cool down period
Check pH. Should be ~ 4.6-4.7.
Add a couple handfuls of oyster shells.
If conversion is good, start aerating and cool down with a bug screen on top of the pot.
Cool down 18 hours.
Hydrate yeast
Take pre-pitch data:
Temp: 75.7F
pH: 4.89
SGR: 1.076
Time/Date: Friday, 06Mar, 1045, 2nd pitch @ 1500
Wrap a couple more handfuls of oyster shells in a cheese cloth sock and hang it in the middle of the fermenter.
Transfer Pot 2 to fermenter.
Pitch yeast starter
*** NOTE***
4 hours after pitching a yeast starter that was made 18 hours before, there was no activity: Flat, no bubbles, dead. Measured out an additional 18 grams of FP900 yeast and sprinkled directly on top of the wort @ 75.5 Within one hour, had a good, creamy, grain cap and the temperature had risen by one degree F from 75.5 to 76.8. Lows in the 40’s forecast, so wrapped it up in blankets and let it do its thing. Checked 24 hours later and still warm with good cap, ambient temps ~70F.
Corn 33 DP
2-Row Barley Malt 32 DP
Wheat 30 DP
Rye 25 DP
Grain Bill DP = 618.25
Target SG: 618.25/7.5=82.4333 1.082
Actual OG: 1.076
24 oz water @ 85F
2 oz adjunct treated water from Pot 1
4 oz wort from Pot 2
18 grams FermPro 900 (double the recommended dose of 1g/G)
Hydrate FP900 yeast 15 minutes prior to pitching.
Final SG: 1.006
Final pH: 3.86
Total ferment time: 7 days
Stripped yield: 1.5G@32.33%+1G@9.17%
Actual: 1.076-1.006=0.07 0.07*131=9.17 %
(0.0917*6*128)=70.4256 70.43*0.90=63.387
64 oz projected at aging strength (60-65%)
I haven’t done the spirit run yet, but the first quart of each strip run came out at 55% and tastes very promising. The spirit will be the low wines plus a gallon of fermented wash (wort) that was held in reserve. The heart cut will be 79%-65%, plus any jars that smell and taste good between 65% and 50%. Everything not in the heart cut will be recycled into the next run. Aging will be in a 5G Gibbs cask, 4th use for a long time.
Here is the piggy back sugar head:
PMI-Sugar Head
1G backset
10 # Morena raw sugar
1 spoon gypsum
2 spoons Fermax
Pinch Epsom Salt & Ascorbic Acid
Oyster shells in cheese cloth sock
All the squeezed grain.
Dissolve the sugar with hot backset in 5G pot. Fill pot with cool tap water. Add adjuncts and stir in. Dump into fermenter. 85F pitch temp at the 8G mark.
Sprinkle 18g (25ml dry measure) FP921 on top of wash.
Hydrate 15ml dry measure additional FP921 in warm water and pitch.
Grain cap should start in an hour. Overnight the grain cap should be at 9G mark.
Grain Bill
○ Unmalted
1.00 # Steam rolled barley, roasted 6.3%
0.50 # Rolled oats, Quaker 3.1%
1.50 # Flaked maize, brewers 9.4%
1.00 # Flaked rye 6.3%
○ 4.00 # unmalted @ 25%
○ Malted
3.75 # Simpsons Golden Promise, malt barley 23.5%
3.75 # 2-row pale malt barley 23.5%
3.75 # Amber malt red wheat 23.5%
0.75 # malt rye 4.7%
○ 12.0 # malted @ 75%
Pot 1: Unmalted Grains
2 spoons Fermax
Pinch epsom salts
Tiny pinch ascorbic acid
1 spoon gypsum
1 each multi/B-cx
1 spoon bread yeast as nutrient
2.5G water and adjuncts heated to 195F.
Add grains and settle at 190F.
Add HTL-A and maintain 185-190F x 60 mins.
Let cool to 175F then transfer to Pot 2 Malted Grains.
Pot 2: Malted Grains
Pinch epsom salts
Tiny pinch ascorbic acid
1 spoon gypsum
4.5G water and adjuncts heated to 116F.
Add malts while power stirring.
Let settle at 112F x 30 mins.
Add contents of Pot 2 which is at ~ 175F. This should bring the temperature up to the second step mash range of 120-125F. Rest x 60 mins.
Add 1G backset, Amy-G, and alpha amylase.
Slowly bring heat up to 148F while power stirring.
Cut heat, wrap with blanket, and let it rest x 90 mins.
Do iodine check for conversion & take SG reading: 1.065 (98.4% conversion efficiency), will go up after cool down period
Check pH. Should be ~ 4.6-4.7.
Add a couple handfuls of oyster shells.
If conversion is good, start aerating and cool down with a bug screen on top of the pot.
Cool down 18 hours.
Hydrate yeast
Take pre-pitch data:
Temp: 75.7F
pH: 4.89
SGR: 1.076
Time/Date: Friday, 06Mar, 1045, 2nd pitch @ 1500
Wrap a couple more handfuls of oyster shells in a cheese cloth sock and hang it in the middle of the fermenter.
Transfer Pot 2 to fermenter.
Pitch yeast starter
*** NOTE***
4 hours after pitching a yeast starter that was made 18 hours before, there was no activity: Flat, no bubbles, dead. Measured out an additional 18 grams of FP900 yeast and sprinkled directly on top of the wort @ 75.5 Within one hour, had a good, creamy, grain cap and the temperature had risen by one degree F from 75.5 to 76.8. Lows in the 40’s forecast, so wrapped it up in blankets and let it do its thing. Checked 24 hours later and still warm with good cap, ambient temps ~70F.
Corn 33 DP
2-Row Barley Malt 32 DP
Wheat 30 DP
Rye 25 DP
Grain Bill DP = 618.25
Target SG: 618.25/7.5=82.4333 1.082
Actual OG: 1.076
24 oz water @ 85F
2 oz adjunct treated water from Pot 1
4 oz wort from Pot 2
18 grams FermPro 900 (double the recommended dose of 1g/G)
Hydrate FP900 yeast 15 minutes prior to pitching.
Final SG: 1.006
Final pH: 3.86
Total ferment time: 7 days
Stripped yield: 1.5G@32.33%+1G@9.17%
Actual: 1.076-1.006=0.07 0.07*131=9.17 %
(0.0917*6*128)=70.4256 70.43*0.90=63.387
64 oz projected at aging strength (60-65%)
I haven’t done the spirit run yet, but the first quart of each strip run came out at 55% and tastes very promising. The spirit will be the low wines plus a gallon of fermented wash (wort) that was held in reserve. The heart cut will be 79%-65%, plus any jars that smell and taste good between 65% and 50%. Everything not in the heart cut will be recycled into the next run. Aging will be in a 5G Gibbs cask, 4th use for a long time.
Here is the piggy back sugar head:
PMI-Sugar Head
1G backset
10 # Morena raw sugar
1 spoon gypsum
2 spoons Fermax
Pinch Epsom Salt & Ascorbic Acid
Oyster shells in cheese cloth sock
All the squeezed grain.
Dissolve the sugar with hot backset in 5G pot. Fill pot with cool tap water. Add adjuncts and stir in. Dump into fermenter. 85F pitch temp at the 8G mark.
Sprinkle 18g (25ml dry measure) FP921 on top of wash.
Hydrate 15ml dry measure additional FP921 in warm water and pitch.
Grain cap should start in an hour. Overnight the grain cap should be at 9G mark.