About Gelatin

Little or nothing to do with distillation.

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About Gelatin

Post by ve3rpm »

Since I'm new to this I'm wondering if I can use gelatin instead of glycerin for hand sanitizer.
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Re: About Gelatin

Post by contrahead »

I don't see why not. Gelatin and glycerin (glycerol) are two very different things; but both can come from the same slaughtered livestock and both are often consumed in processed foods. Look up “Jello Shots” on HD. Obliviously gelatin can bind up and hold ethanol in suspension. The only problem I foresee is in working out the proportions to suit the desired texture. You would want the texture runny enough to rub all over your hands but not so stiff that it turns to rubber and does not stick.

Gelatin is made from boiled animal cartilage, bones & hides. Europe produces almost twice the amount of gelatin as the US does and pig collagen is its greatest source.

Glycerol apparently has some antimicrobial and antiviral properties the gelatin does not. Glycerol is sweet tasting, non toxic, miscible and hygroscopic (attracts and holds water). Some glycerin might be made from soybeans or coconuts but mainly and historically it is made from animal fat (lard or tallow). If you can make soap then you can make glycerin just as easily. You just add lye to hot rendered fat to make soap – then use salt to separate out the glycerin.

Google or DuckDuckGo “glycerin” to find a “Wiki How” that will explain the steps in more detail.
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Re: About Gelatin

Post by bubba »

thumbs up on this,, i have clear gelatin on hand ,, how about jello , make watermelon +jell shots + drink it and rub it on your head ,, wait 5 min before smoking
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