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Hello from the West Coast

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2021 10:32 am
by openwheel11
Hello to everyone and thank you for all the information posted on this site. I have spent hours reading on the various topics (especially around Rum)

A bit about me: I am new to distilling but have been a home brewer for a while. I stick to the simple BIAB method, but I am very happy with the results. I just wish I had room for a dedicated brewing space which would make life easier and brewing more frequent.

I am fortunate in that there is a craft distillery a few miles away (Tripp Distillery) in addition to the many others here in the Bay Area. I have been helping out at Tripp a couple days a week so my learning curve has been steep (and legal). We make Gin, Brandy, Vodka, Rum and soon will have production whisky. We run an old school 250 gal pot still from Colonel Vaughn that we affectionately call "Big Ass Sally" and our methods are heavily influenced by Downslope Distilling. It's a pretty scrappy operation but a ton of fun.

My preferences lean more towards rum than whisky and I hope to help expand our offerings to include some of the many different rum styles.

Re: Hello from the West Coast

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2021 10:55 am
by Not sure
Welcome aboard enjoy your hobby

Re: Hello from the West Coast

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2021 3:00 pm
by Twisted Brick
Welcome, openwheel!

I envy your access to Big Ass Sally! I have read that still has produced some award-winning spirits. I would love to stop by the distillery the next trip I make to the bay area (my daughter lives across the way from Fort Mason).

Have fun in your new adventure.

Twisted Brick

Re: Hello from the West Coast

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2021 3:09 pm
by JellybeanCorncob
Hey OW11
I’m going to look up Trip distillery. It must be fairly new. I’m a down in the South Bay just a few miles away. Lots of rum stuff here. Actually just type the name of any kind of liquor in the search engine and you’ll probably get multiple hits. This place is a great resource for anything distilling.
Good luck in your Journey.

Re: Hello from the West Coast

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2021 3:50 pm
by Bushman
Welcome, sounds like you have had advantages not many members have for learning. It is surprising (maybe not) how many of our members have gone on and opened their own distilleries.