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Dunder dump too close to home?

Posted: Fri May 21, 2021 3:19 pm
by bunny
Everything was fine while it was cold and rainy.
Now the rain has stopped and it's warming up.
I'm afraid it's more than noticeable as I walk past it.
Is there anything I can do to "freshen up" the area?
I won't be dumping there anymore, but dang man, it's nasty.
Help please...

Re: Dunder dump too close to home?

Posted: Fri May 21, 2021 4:27 pm
by NZChris
Garden lime might help. Hydrated lime, the same stuff that works well for raising pH in washes if the pH gets away on you because you haven't been watching or haven't had any form of calcium carbonate in the fermenter.

Re: Dunder dump too close to home?

Posted: Sat May 22, 2021 3:34 am
How's this for vanase dumping. Lol.