Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 1:24 am
Kokuto Shochu is a special spirit made by Koji+ rice + ‘brown sugar’ (dried sugar cane), once distilled in a pot still.
Inspired by this spirit, I made my own ‘hybrid’ spirit (rum/rice whisky), and I like it. It’s not a copy of Kokuto Shochu, because of my changes in the ingredients and process. I experimented with all kinds of rice and every type is ok: it’s a matter of taste (I prefer jasmine rice). Koiji and dried sugar cane is not used, but Angel yeast yellow label and molasses. In the process of Kokuto Shochu ‘brown sugar’ is added in two phases: I’m lazy, so I ad molasses once (but feel free to do it in 2 phases).
How it’s made? Easy:
Make rice wine, following the instructions of Angel yeast yellow label. Stir it every day.
Ad, after 7 days, molasses. Rice/ undiluted molasses ratio= 2;1 (but 1:1 is also ok. It’s a matter of taste: more molasses, more rummy-taste). Dilute the molasses before it is added.
Total fermentation time is variable (depending on temp.): 2 a 3 weeks.
Distil it once in a pot still.
That’s it. It’s not rum, shochu or rice whisky: it’s Rumsky. Perfect for sipping. Best of two worlds.