Macerates fruits+alcohol in the sunlight, why? (for liquors)

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Macerates fruits+alcohol in the sunlight, why? (for liquors)

Post by Evil_Dark »

I've saw couples different receipes to infuse/macerates fruits on alcohol (55-65%abv) in a sealed jar, exposed to sunlight for 10 days or so, and then filter to collect the alcohol. Then just add sugar to make the juice/alcohol on the fruits come out, repeat as long as there is juice coming out of the fruits...
No big deal. But I wonder what's the purpose of the sunlight? Will it make a difference in the way the maceration goes? I would be worried about making some oxydation issues, but not an expert in any way...
Does someone can enlighten me on this?

Thanks a lot!

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Re: Macerates fruits+alcohol in the sunlight, why? (for liquors)

Post by NZChris »

I suggest that you ask whoever it was who said it was a good idea, plus ask them where they got their info. from.

Better still, you could try doing a side by side experiment yourself.
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Re: Macerates fruits+alcohol in the sunlight, why? (for liquors)

Post by Demy »

It is true, some recipes predict (preferably) for example some recipes of "Nocino" (a traditional liqueur here in Italy made with immature nuts) includes a long maceration and sun exposure. I don't know all the science behind but one of the reasons I heard is the fact that the color is clearer and the flavor of chlorophyll is attenuated (UV interaction). Another reason is that the heat helps the process ... I I personally give a secondary importance to these things .....
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Re: Macerates fruits+alcohol in the sunlight, why? (for liquors)

Post by 8Ball »

My parents immigrated to the States from eastern Europe after WW2. I remember my Mom used to place fresh raspberries & sugar in a jar and set it outside in full sun. Not sure for how long. Then she strained the syrup through cheese cloth and mixed it with 50% store bought vodka. Everyone got a little taste during our holiday meals later in the year.
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Re: Macerates fruits+alcohol in the sunlight, why? (for liquors)

Post by NZChris »

I've put a bottle of my 2013 Nocino out in the sun to see if there is any improvement. The strong taste of chlorophyll is likely the reason why it has lasted so many years. It tastes very medicinal, for want of another description.
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Re: Macerates fruits+alcohol in the sunlight, why? (for liquors)

Post by squigglefunk »

i feel like with the fruit/sugar/booze mix sitting in the sun helps warm it all up and speed up the whole process ?
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Re: Macerates fruits+alcohol in the sunlight, why? (for liquors)

Post by LWTCS »

Yeah just think " sun tea ".

Imo not necessary as the ethanol/solvent is far more capable of extraction since you can vary the abv to extract at different rates.

Also, the sun light may very well contribute to a lesser shelf life if color matters.
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Re: Macerates fruits+alcohol in the sunlight, why? (for liquors)

Post by jonnys_spirit »

Here's a link to tried and true Strawberry Panty Dropper recipe for reference which does say to set it on a windowsill for extraction... I've done it without the sun and it's very good. Works well with just about any fruit if you like that kind of thing. ... =14&t=2199

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Re: Macerates fruits+alcohol in the sunlight, why? (for liquors)

Post by LWTCS »

Too be sure there is an expiration date on shelf life if vibrancy of color matters.
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Re: Macerates fruits+alcohol in the sunlight, why? (for liquors)

Post by squigglefunk »

yup I agree, the sun effect is not really necessary, and I think lemon juice can help with helping preserve the color in the liquid?
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Re: Macerates fruits+alcohol in the sunlight, why? (for liquors)

Post by Andrew_90 »

I would suggest that the sun's function is to provide heat rather than light. Heat accelerates processes.
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Re: Macerates fruits+alcohol in the sunlight, why? (for liquors)

Post by cranky »

I personally feel that the sunlight hurts rather than helps because it degrades the fruit. My personal preference is a dark cabinet.
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