i have been referencing this forum for over a decade, although i only recently had the '
cajones' to create an actual account. i admit, i was thrown off by a lot of the comments/replies... but i get it! this aint for the
feint of
heart (see what i did there ;->)! i dont mind doin all the hard work. i dont mind gettin ball-busted!

but i think it's tough for most of us to put ourselves out there. some of us 'cause of the legality aspect(s)... some of us 'cause we're nervous for the ridicule... others for LOTS of different reasons.
although i'm not naturally a nervous &/our timid person, i find myself being somewhat timid or reluctant out here on HD. it's only recently...
11+ years later (or 7+ months later, depending on how you look at it ;->) that i've been ready to put myself out there (heck, it took me 6 months just to reply and/or post). what i've come to find out is... on HD, i... you...
US...we all, literally, really...
TRULY... need to just throw ourselves out there!
{not in terms of personal info (this is 1st & foremost, other than u dang Kiwis out there, God love ya! ;->)}
i have, do & will listen/read intently. i have, do & will research immensely. i have not just used HD, but have, do & will use MANY other resources, websites, etc.. i have & will continue to experiment. i'm sure i'll foul up and ask a stupid Q, or ask a duplicative one, and i'm ready for the ribbin' to go along w/ it!
i guess if nothing else, this is me saying...
I'M READY!!! bring tha heat meat!
\m/ (^_^) \m/