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If running a thumper

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 6:02 pm
by Mookie1
So if I’m running a thumper do I need to do a stripping run or can I just go slow and take my cuts? Since it will be double stilled already?

Re: If running a thumper

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 6:08 pm

Re: If running a thumper

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 7:44 pm
by Truckinbutch
I put my clears in my boiler and the cloudy stuff in the thumper for a stripping run . 12 1/2 gallons each . 2 or 3 strips and I dilute down and do a spirit run . I've had no complaint about what I serve my friends . Some things you can't hurry .

Re: If running a thumper

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2021 9:14 am
by Kareltje
I mostly do stripping runs with boiler and thumper, sizes depend on what I am making. Spirit run I mostly do with a potstill with/without long riser.

But you do not need to do things one way or another: you can choose to do things any which way you like.
Run two or more similar ferments in different ways of running, wait some time to give the result some rest and taste it.
And then choose according to your own taste.

Re: If running a thumper

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2021 7:14 am
by OnceAlive
Mookie1 wrote: Sun Dec 26, 2021 6:02 pm So if I’m running a thumper do I need to do a stripping run or can I just go slow and take my cuts? Since it will be double stilled already?
I know very little about all of this but I'll still throw in some thoughts anyways.

Using a thumper is not unanimously considered "double distillation". I've read it's like 1.5 distillation and that make sense to me. I'd like to have one eventually if only to see how I can add flavours by using different liquids in it so the extra distillation it provides is not the only use to consider (I think)... but that's another subject.

Like others said, the way you do things is a matter of preference. Some do very slow single runs without even a thumper and they're okay with that so I guess skipping the strip run when using one could be done too. I don't really understand why you'd want that but I also don't understand why my dogs lick their buttholes and still look happy so maybe there just things I don't get?

Final advise would be to run this code:


Re: If running a thumper

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2021 8:29 pm
by goose eye
Single foot it how you will double an twist if you like.
That doublin keg is a rabbit path.

Everytime you set down at your outfit you goin to school.
If you ain't gettin that tingle then you might as well be cooking collards.

So I'm tole

Re: If running a thumper

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2023 6:16 pm
by Friendsofemily2
We ran our first run, we have a vevor 3 gal and ran sugar wash with raisins. The still has a thumper. We ran roughly 5 gal of wash. At no more than 195 degrees
Batch 1 was 3 oz foreshore, 16 oz heads 75%, 16 oz hearts 70%, 8 oz 62%. Total retained was 40 oz for roughly 2.5 gal wash. Calculated at 15% abv wash. Will be using bsg - fsg calculation to get potential was abv. My question is this. We ended up with 2 runs combined proof of 139 run1 and 142 run 2. Measured by proof hydrometer. My question as a novice is does this sound correct , and because we micromanaged the boiler Temps ( never over 195) did we do it as right as I think we did?
We were not expecting 150 proof from the start.
Happy but astounded.
Thank you for your thoughts to this newbie