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Not the usual first post in the welcome center

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2022 4:19 am
by jessespa
I've been lurking around here quite a while.
When I first found this site I cant remember what the popular trend in still builds was but, shortly after DAD3000 was really bringing the CCVM to the front of the line on what I wanted to build at the time. Between him and Odin and his SPP numbers that was my next thing. Then deflegs really started peaking my interest and started building those as well. I like everything modular and being able to mix things up a bit from time to time.
Anyway it seems as of late I've been working backwards. Well actually I finally got tired of mop bucket squeezing of the grains. I adopted a couple of 15 gallon kegs and built a pot still to start and decided to turn my milk can into my thumper. Its been fun learning to run it and distilling on the grain is completely different to what I was used to for all these years. Now I'm just using this for my stripping still and swapping out my thump head for my column on spirit runs.
What really is peaking my interest now is Hillbilly Popstars double retort pot still build thread. And I am looking forward to hear how it runs out for him might be a use for that second keg I have sitting here lol.
Sorry I'm going long but I just want to thank everyone on here that have been posting all these years and me just reading and learning. A few of these guys I haven't seen post in a while. One of my favorites is Saltbush Bill I love the rum recipes and have two 5gallon second use barrels aging now and it is great. Thanks to DAD3000 since he really helped me get started in the hobby. Odin, RAD14701,Tater, Pintoshine, Teddysad, ShineOnCrazyDiamond, Uncle Jesse, NChooch hell i cant name all of you that have helped me out. I really appreciate you all. And thanks again hopefully I can throw a few comments in from time to time, who knows maybe I will end up helping someone out.

Re: Not the usual first post in the welcome center

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2022 5:00 am
by Yummyrum
Well shit , you didn’t mention me in the accolades :D
But you been doing your reading thats for sure . Welcome t HD jessepa

Enjoy your journey :thumbup:

Re: Not the usual first post in the welcome center

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2022 5:26 am
by jessespa
Sorry Yummy, You are much appreciated as well. You know of all the years lurking it is hard for me to keep track of everybody.
I honestly don't mean to leave anybody out, thanks for the welcome and I really do appreciate everything you guys have done to help me out.

Re: Not the usual first post in the welcome center

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2022 6:29 am
by BrewinBrian44
A “novice” that’s not actually a novice!

Re: Not the usual first post in the welcome center

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2022 10:47 am
by Saltbush Bill
Welcome aboard Jessespa :wave: glad you've found the Rum recipe useful.