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Recycled corn?

Posted: Thu May 05, 2022 9:18 am
by jessespa
Hello all,
I am new to using a thumper and learning as I go. But this is the mashing fermenting section.
So I'm used to working with my column and squeezing the grain after fermentation. Dealing with mostly ground corn not cracked but not quite meal either. I'm putting my clear an my boiler and the solids and some clear in the thumper.
I know when I was using my column I would strain the grains and start a UJSSM ferment.
My question now is that I'm running my grain in the thumper is it even worth while to do that?
I did do a starch and there are some starches left in the stuff that came out of the thumper. Maybe strain the juice off and reuse the corn with angel yellow label maybe? or just add sugar like a UJSSM? Or is it even worth while to mess with it.
One reason I ask is the corn out of the thumper is very thin since its been cooked again.
But the last two runs I've dumped the thumper behind the shed and it smells beautiful back there.
Please bear with me I'm still trying to figure all the thumper ins and out.
Btw Its a keg boiler and 13g milk can thumper. Mostly just doing stripping runs before putting the column on and running my spirit run.
Sorry if this has been asked before I'm still reading my way through all the thumper posts.
As always thanks for the help.

Re: Recycled corn?

Posted: Thu May 05, 2022 11:10 am
by NormandieStill
Maybe someone's already tried this, but personally, for the price of corn, I'd just use fresh.

Re: Recycled corn?

Posted: Thu May 05, 2022 7:00 pm
by subbrew
Not sure it is worth reheating, but if it were me I would add some enzyme to the corn right after it came out of the thumper then reuse it. With UJSSM you just pulled flavor from the corn. The starches were still there. When you ran the thumper you gelatinized the corn so it was ready for a bit of enzyme to convert to sugars. Not enough sugar for a batch I am sure but by adding some new corn and sugar you will have a semi-sorta- all grain UJSSM

Re: Recycled corn?

Posted: Fri May 06, 2022 7:41 am
by squigglefunk
for sure it could probably be re-used. Or maybe cooked more thoroughly the first time. I feel a lot of the recipes here do not really fully cook the corn and therefore "complete conversion" has a different meaning than what I always thought it did.

Re: Recycled corn?

Posted: Fri May 06, 2022 9:16 am
by jessespa
Subbrew the original ferment was using SOCD Easy large batch mashing technique with enzymes, Been doing it that way for years. It was until recently i acquired a new boiler and using my milk can as a thumper.
So it should have been pretty much gelatinized the first time around. I put it in the thumper and now it is really gelatinized. Still plenty of color in the grain. I heated it up last night and added my hi temp enzyme it should be cool enough by the time I get back home to add the low temp enzyme.
From the way it looked after I hit it with the paint mixer last night there was alot of white husks from the kernel came floating up so there might not be much left in it. We will see.

Squiggle that's what i was thinking and also why I was asking. It may not be worthwhile but at least I'll have an idea what I'm throwing away.