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First Sacrificial Run

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2022 2:54 pm
by MonkeyRumKing
I completed the sacrificial run on my still last night. Overall, it went very well. I get why it's called a sacrificial run, but it could also be called an educational run. I have been reading and reading and reading some more and I appreciate all I've learned from the great folks on this site. Just like learning a new board game, you can only read so much of the instructions and then you just have to play. I felt I could run the still safely and I was able to do just that. I ran Birdwatchers sugar wash and that, by the way, was the first thing I fermented as well. I learned so much over the past week. I learned why a graduated cylinder can be useful as I searched the house for container tall enough for my hydrometer. LOL. I learned that no amount of ice directly in my condenser will keep my condenser cold enough (going to get a submersible pump and Rubbermaid tote moving forward), I learned that I don't know enough managing how fast the still runs. I learned that my heat shield worked very well and I can build a better (smaller) stand for my condenser/ball jars. It was a great time and I can't thank everyone here enough for all the help getting into this.
Still 1.jpg
Still 2.jpg

Re: First Sacrificial Run

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2022 3:13 pm
by witch
Congrats looking good. well done