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8gal Modified Keg Boiler

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 5:33 am
by brewbob
I've been running on a 15.5 unmodified keg for ever. It's kind of a pain when doing multiple stripping runs, gotta wait for it to cool off after, disassemble the column, lug that heavy basturd out to the woods to dump, etc, etc. I have wanted to add a drain for a while but then the stupid voice in my head said just build one the way you want it. I decided a 8gal 1/4 barrel would be a good size, perfect for spirit runs and smaller ferments to test recipes. I can do a 10 gal ferment and run a 1.5 to see if I like it then scale up, saving grain if it needs some tweaking.

Anyways I used a 1/4 barrel turned upside down. Removed the bottom protective ring thingy and added legs tall enough for the drain to clear a 5gal bucket. 4" ferrule for the still, 2" fill port, 4" clean out on the front, 2" on the back for the heating element, and the original 2" (now on the bottom) capped with a 1" ball valve to drain. This allows me to do everything I need and never have to move or disassemble the rig. I will wrap the top and sides with reflective insulation once it's cleaned up a little more and the drain is finished. Maybe bend some ss rod and make handles too.
I was going to name it Bob cause the 4" ferrule on the front made it look like a minion but with the legs and the reducer on top it reminds me of a lunar lander. I'll come up with a name eventually.

Re: 8gal Modified Keg Boiler

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 5:46 am
by Twisted Brick
Great-looking rig, Bob. Should serve you well.

Re: 8gal Modified Keg Boiler

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 5:59 am
by Bushman
Nice job I did not invert my keg so had different thickness metal on the top design of my keg so when I went to weld a 4” ferrule (replacing the 2” opening) I had a hard time welding so my column would sit vertical.

Re: 8gal Modified Keg Boiler

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 6:26 am
by brewbob
Bushman wrote: Fri Nov 10, 2023 5:59 am Nice job I did not invert my keg so had different thickness metal on the top design of my keg so when I went to weld a 4” ferrule (replacing the 2” opening) I had a hard time welding so my column would sit vertical.
Thanks. I hear ya, it took quite a while to get all ferrules tacked on level and square.

Re: 8gal Modified Keg Boiler

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 10:05 am
by MooseMan
Nice job, I'm sure this will serve you well.

I'll be doing a similar thing pretty soon as I've also been running a keg with just element ports as the only mod.

Re: 8gal Modified Keg Boiler

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 10:40 am
by Bolverk
Looks great!

I love my 30l shorty keg still, perfect size for a 10g fermentation doing a 1.5 run.

Re: 8gal Modified Keg Boiler

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 11:39 am
by Wildcats
Looks great. What kinda still head are you running?

Re: 8gal Modified Keg Boiler

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 12:11 pm
by brewbob
Wildcats wrote: Fri Nov 10, 2023 11:39 am Looks great. What kinda still head are you running?
2" modular. I have several risers, 30", 18", couple 12". Dephleg, 180, PC. All copper with tri clamps. I'm sure my 2" pot will take a ride now and then. Really eyeballin a copper onion with 4" inlet and 2" outlet, and my wife might disagree but I found that "perfect onion" after I designed the boiler.