New to distillation, or simply new to the HD forums.
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53 year old teenager from the UK who has developed a passion for home distilling after watching, dare I say it, shiners on discovery. Built myself a keg still from the ground up having never soldered anything in my life, spent weeks trying to master soldering to stainless and after a lot of toil and trouble finally managed to get the ferrules on. The keg contained some good UK cider when I got it so that was the first thing I ran and was amazed that it actually worked. The 'brandy' was a hit with the family which is just as well as there are only a few spirits I actually like . Initially started on all sugar washes but have finally moved on to grains. Biggest success so far was a 70% absinthe from a old recipe that was really nice (with plenty water).
Been avidly browsing this forum for months looking for tips and tricks, and it truly is a wealth of knowledge. Learnt from a lot of mistakes (stripping the skin off my tongue tasting 90% vodka being a prime example) and look forward to learning a lot more.