Rick and Wade
Posted: Tue May 07, 2024 1:13 am
The world lost two decent guys in the past month. Both long time friends of mine.
Wade was a truck driver. A real good winch hand (winch tractor) and crane operator.
In Sept 1980 I was 19, with a class 1 driving for a road construction construction and paving company. I'd haul gravel to the asphalt plant or pull lowboy and move equipment. Fall layoffs were coming so I decided to come to Alberta, "for the winter". It's been a long winter.
Was headed for Grande Prairie where 3 or 4 high school classmates were, but never made it to GP. Stopped in Slave (pop 3200) for the weekend, got a job Monday morning and stayed. 2 weeks here I'm talking with my brother on the phone about work, get your ass out here, you can pick your job. I have a place for you to stay.
A week later my brother and cousin Paul arrive here. Had jobs with Halliburton, where I was working, as soon as they got here.
2 weeks later Paul's wife, their week old daughter, and Sharon's nephew Wade arrived. Wade and I were the same age, aunti Sharon was only 5 years older than Wade. I'd known Wade since we were 15. We all lived together for a couple of years until we could all get established.
3 years later Sharon and daughter are gone, 2 years later my brother and cousin Paul are gone, Wade and I stayed here. We worked for the same companies a few times over the years. We were what we call shirt tail relatives, not directly related by blood but through marriage, but friends and family. If you know what I mean.
In Dec 23 Wade went in for a medical exam. Medics discovered he had pancreatic cancer. He got got results back just after New Years
I've never witnessed anyone decline so quickly.
On April 2nd Wade grabbed the bull by the horns, he'd been confined to bed 5 days beforehand, pain was up there and he chose medically Assisted death.
I don't blame him. I'm happy he had the option. He didn't suffer any more than he had to.
Wade 1961- 2024.
2004 I took a 2year hiatus from Ab for family reasons. Secured a marine engine dealership for the whole Island, rented a bay in Charlottetown from a guy. I had my bay at North end of building. Owner had 2 truck bays next to me. Rick ha an engine machine shop at South end of building.
I needed someone to do machine work for me. Got to know Rick, sent a head over first, top notch results, then a block resurface, then a crank. This guy knows his shit.
First impressions were not good.
Ever heard the phrase "Don't judge a book by it's cover"?
Rick cut his own hair.
Must have been a crack in his mirror.
Nothing about his physical appearance would instill confidence in anyone.
A line from Forrest Gump, " Gump you're a God Damn genius"
Rick was a Fucking Genius when it came.e to engines. Over the years I learned he knew much more than engines.
Rick's real passion wasn't doing precision machine work for guys like me.
He build race and truck pull engines.
I'm a good mechanic.
I rebuild engines.
Rick could take my scrap to the lathe, milling machine, whatever
he had in his shop, and made horsepower.
Rick took engine building to a level I'll never be able to grasp.
He was the only person I could talk with on the phone for 3 hours.
Anyone else 10-12 min and I have to say good bye. My wife included.
Rick died May 02. As smart as he was, he thought he could beat the deamon.
Rick became my best friend for 20 years.
As he said to me a couple months ago, "we understand each other"
Fuck Cancer.
You have taken far too many people.
Our friends, family, brothers from another Mother.
Wade was a truck driver. A real good winch hand (winch tractor) and crane operator.
In Sept 1980 I was 19, with a class 1 driving for a road construction construction and paving company. I'd haul gravel to the asphalt plant or pull lowboy and move equipment. Fall layoffs were coming so I decided to come to Alberta, "for the winter". It's been a long winter.
Was headed for Grande Prairie where 3 or 4 high school classmates were, but never made it to GP. Stopped in Slave (pop 3200) for the weekend, got a job Monday morning and stayed. 2 weeks here I'm talking with my brother on the phone about work, get your ass out here, you can pick your job. I have a place for you to stay.
A week later my brother and cousin Paul arrive here. Had jobs with Halliburton, where I was working, as soon as they got here.
2 weeks later Paul's wife, their week old daughter, and Sharon's nephew Wade arrived. Wade and I were the same age, aunti Sharon was only 5 years older than Wade. I'd known Wade since we were 15. We all lived together for a couple of years until we could all get established.
3 years later Sharon and daughter are gone, 2 years later my brother and cousin Paul are gone, Wade and I stayed here. We worked for the same companies a few times over the years. We were what we call shirt tail relatives, not directly related by blood but through marriage, but friends and family. If you know what I mean.
In Dec 23 Wade went in for a medical exam. Medics discovered he had pancreatic cancer. He got got results back just after New Years
I've never witnessed anyone decline so quickly.
On April 2nd Wade grabbed the bull by the horns, he'd been confined to bed 5 days beforehand, pain was up there and he chose medically Assisted death.
I don't blame him. I'm happy he had the option. He didn't suffer any more than he had to.
Wade 1961- 2024.
2004 I took a 2year hiatus from Ab for family reasons. Secured a marine engine dealership for the whole Island, rented a bay in Charlottetown from a guy. I had my bay at North end of building. Owner had 2 truck bays next to me. Rick ha an engine machine shop at South end of building.
I needed someone to do machine work for me. Got to know Rick, sent a head over first, top notch results, then a block resurface, then a crank. This guy knows his shit.
First impressions were not good.
Ever heard the phrase "Don't judge a book by it's cover"?
Rick cut his own hair.
Must have been a crack in his mirror.
Nothing about his physical appearance would instill confidence in anyone.
A line from Forrest Gump, " Gump you're a God Damn genius"
Rick was a Fucking Genius when it came.e to engines. Over the years I learned he knew much more than engines.
Rick's real passion wasn't doing precision machine work for guys like me.
He build race and truck pull engines.
I'm a good mechanic.
I rebuild engines.
Rick could take my scrap to the lathe, milling machine, whatever
he had in his shop, and made horsepower.
Rick took engine building to a level I'll never be able to grasp.
He was the only person I could talk with on the phone for 3 hours.
Anyone else 10-12 min and I have to say good bye. My wife included.
Rick died May 02. As smart as he was, he thought he could beat the deamon.
Rick became my best friend for 20 years.
As he said to me a couple months ago, "we understand each other"
Fuck Cancer.
You have taken far too many people.
Our friends, family, brothers from another Mother.