Distilling featured in a video game

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Distilling featured in a video game

Post by MooseMan »

Ok, so every winter for years, when the weather is crap, dark, and I'm stuck in the house with crap TV for a couple of weeks, I buy a couple of Xbox/PS games to keep me occupied over the holidays.

I just started one, set in the time of the bubonic plague in rural France, and I'm not even an hour into the game when I find a farmhouse with some interesting stuff in a couple of the rooms!
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Twisted Brick
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Re: Distilling featured in a video game

Post by Twisted Brick »

Aha! I knew it! The French have been making hooch all along!

Seriously, I have read so many accounts of immigrants coming to America (when it was new) and regardless of place of origin, they brought their knowledge of still building and making spirits. That second pic had a seriously large pot and the owner must have been skilled to 'fire' it throughout a run. Without a thermometer it would make modulating takeoff by sight and making cuts by one's senses the rule to follow. Makes one think we sure got it good with all of the building and measuring tools currently available.

Wiki lists the bubonic plague hitting Marseille in 1347, (Paris suffered one plague or another every 3 years throughout the 16th and 17th centuries) so the expertise has a long lineage right up to NormandieStill :ebiggrin:

I love historical 'stilling stuff like this. Thanks for sharing.
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