I am saving up to finish my build but of course am also looking at ways to get something brewing. I started out looking at making a rum wine to eventually distill. I fell down the rabbit hole. I have 40 pounds of castor sugar that was gifted me and he next thing I knew I was making black treacle.
https://www.yummytummyaarthi.com/homema ... le-recipe/
I used this recipe and only changed the lemon juice with thin slices of lemon because well candied lemon lol.
Next I wanted to make a wine to see how this may be used for rum. I used a quart or so of water threw in a 1/4 cup of brown sugar and the added the treacle to get a 1.09 sg wine going. I also adde a 2 inch piece of carrot quartered to add as a nutrient and last a tablespoof of Saf insta yeast.
This ran down in under 3 days and was racked and cleared in 4. Then it was tested. This won't make rum imho but it made one heck of a wine, almost like wine and mead had a baby. It was gone in one night, and my wife loved it. When I get running it will probably be one of the first washes I run and I think backsweetend with the syrup will make an interesting drop.
Black treacle
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