Packed Reflux Column Operating Characteristics

This calculator is for 2", 3" and 4" diameter packed reflux columns installed over a potstill. Operating results are given for an equivalent theoretical plate column design. The distillate product ABV % is estimated using a table of values, you make an estimate of the expected distillate ABV% in the input data.

You enter the input data for the column and include a desired or observed prodcut distillate rate. The calculator will determine the reflux ratio for this operation. It can also be used to find a distillate rate that will give a certain reflux ratio or run time.

This calculator also gives an estimate of several other operating characteristics for a packed reflux column using the specified input data. Distillation time starts after the column reaches equilibrium.

The results are for an operation where the watts and reflux ratio are not increased during the run. When they are increased to keep the distillate rate more constant, the time to tails will be different.

The run time to reach tails is estimated. Calculations are then made for the amount and % ABV of heads and hearts produced up to the start of tails. The calculations are not to be used for fast strip runs.

The results are based on run data from real run data, several HD posts, calculations from a simulation of a packed reflux column and established distillation column design equations. Estimates are made for possible flooding conditions ( Yes / No ) and the efficiency of the column. The results can be used to study your operation.

The vapor rate to the condenser is calculated from the pot watts and the abv % of the vapor from the top plate or packing. You make an estimate of this abv% in the input data and can update it if needed. A heat loss of 30% is used in the calculation.

For a CM column, you must change the Cooling Water Flow Rate Input Data so that the Condenser Heat Transfer Watts about equal the Heat Transfer Required Watts in the Calculated Results Section for the CM Dephleg Condenser. Then you have the required Cooling Water Flow Rate.

For a VM or CCVM column, adjust the Cooling Water Flow Rate so that the Cooling Water Exit Temperature is about 115 F to 120 F. This will subcool the reflux a little. But be sure there is enough cooling water flow so there is no alcohol vapor escaping through the condenser.

An estimate of the total still heat loss is a required input. For very well insulated pot and column, use 20% heat loss. For average insulation or not the pot insulated, use 30% heat loss. For uninsulated stills, use 36% to 40% heat loss.

You specify and input the dessign details of either a shotgun or Dimroth condenser. A shotgun condenser can be used for a CM or VM column, and a Dimroth coil condenser can be used for a CM, VM or CCVM column. A good size CM shotgun defleg condenser for a 2" column has 0.45 ft^2 surface area. A good size CCVM coil condenser for a 2" column has at least 80 inches of 3/8 inch copper tubing or at least 0.65 ft^2 surface area.

Information about this calculator can be found in the thread "Reflux Condenser Sizing - Packed Columns".

Input Your Packed Reflux Column Operating Data

Name Your Run
Column Diameter inch
Packing Length inch
Packing HETP inch
Entrainment ? 0=No 1=Yes
Distillate %ABV Expected
Condenser U Multiplier
Pot-Column Heat Loss

Potstill Charge
Alcohol Content % ABV
Initial Temperature
Power during Heat-up W
Power during Distillation W
Distillate rate initially

Reflux Condenser Design and Dimensions
Condenser Type 0=Shotgun 1=Dimroth
Number of Tubes
Tube Diameter inch
Tube Length inch
Shell ID inch
Cooling Water Inlet Temperature C
Estimate of Cooling Water Flow L/hr
Material of Construction 0=copper,1=SS

Change any of these values and see the results in the boxes below ...



Time to heat up potstill contents plus 20 min plate loading
Potstill temperature at start of boiling or
Column initial top plate temperature or

Initial Reflux Ratio
Theoretical Plates
Initial Distillate rate
Initial Distillate ABV

Approx Run time until tails start
Approx Total time that power is on
Estimated Fores/Heads made or
Estimated Most Hearts made or
Estimated Hearts ABV

Maximum open column vapor velocity
Initial open column vapor velocity
Percent of Flooding
Is open column vapor velocity causing Flooding ?

Maximum packing vapor velocity for no Flooding ft/sec
Starting packing vapor velocity Is Flooding Likely ?

Packing Efficiency

Calculated Results for Reflux Condenser
Reflux Rate Condensed :
Estimated Reflux Ratio :
Heat Transfer Required : Match this with Condenser Heat Transfer
Heat Transfer Area :
Logmean Temp Difference :  
U Overall heat transfer coeff:
Condenser Heat Transfer : Change CW Flow to Match this with Heat Transfer Required
Cooling Water Exit Temperature:  
Cooling Water Flow :