When yeast cells have been shown that resveratrol the survival time of the cells with an average of 70% can extend, probably due to activation of the sirtuin. [6] Also for organisms such as flies and worms has been shown that the substance is led to a longer life span of cells. [7] or the chemical compound also for human cells, such a life-extending effect, is still unknown.
Studies suggest an effect that cancer at bay. [1] [2] [8] [9] This is especially true against breast cancer. [10] [11] [12] In animal studies provides resveratrol genetic protection against ionizing radiation. [13]
In addition, resveratrol seems to have an antibacterial and fungicidal action, and to be anti-inflammatory, inter alia by means of inhibition of COX-2. [6]
Let's move backwards in time for a change of perspective. France. Late 1970's. French Paradox. Which one? The one where dietists found out that peopleinthe south west of France eat about the worst diet possible, yet they lived long & healthy. Significantly longer and significantly healthier.
How was that possible? Long time research came up with resveratrol. A polywhatever present in the skins of grapes and in red wine. Now guess what those Frenchies drank pretty much the whole day ... red wine. While they were not eating grapes, that is.
More research. Resveratrol seems to activate or trigger the disposal of malfunctioning cells or other small parts of plants, bodies, animals. Normally we live, eat, and are about fine. The body does not do a big job in cleaning up or repairing damaged cells. The body does not need to be 100% efficient. Plenty of food, shelter, etc.
Now back to another Paradox. Which one? The Dutch Paradox of 1945. The so called hunger winter. Western parts of Holland were still occupied by German troops. No food came in, people starved. Funny thing (if that is the right phrase): those who survived were actually healthier. For 6 months and later for more years to come, especially people from the big cities (where famin was the worst) would live with less hearts disease, less cancer, less sugar problems.
What happened? In times of stress the body does repair itsself to obtain 100% efficiency. The trigger marker in the blood to dispose of damaged cells, or to repair them? Resveratrol.
Back to France and towards an explanation: Consuming additional resveratrol seems to help the body to preserve itsself in a better state.
Studies to proove it? Some. First tests on yeast show a longer life of like 70% longer. And the antibacterial and anti-fungal capacities of resveratrol helped them survive in a more hostile environment for longer. Ever since that study, there have been others. On wurms (yes, they live longer too) and on mice (yep, another success!). Really long term studies on humans have not been done yet (well, apart from the Dutch and French Paradoxes - both well documented and statistically sound), but this forum is not about making us live longer.
What triggered me, is that it helps the yeast live longer, stay healthier, and has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.
Now wouldn't that be a great addition in - say - UJSSM or similar recipes, where we use the yeast over and over again in multiple generations? It might help them stay in better shape. And yeast in better shape produces alcohol in better shape, I guess. May resveratrol help the yeast do a better job while they are working to turn those sugars into alcohol? Will resveratrol help the yeast to better cope with the slightly poisonous environment they have to live in (alcohol)? Does resveratrol help them to better survive the dormant period of a few days between new generations of fermentation? My gues is, it may. And for sure the anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties of resveratrol will help the yeast keep its monopoly on sugar consumption in your wash.
It will be difficult to do really scientific studies, but I will give it a try anyhow.I will start to put like 50 mg of resveratrol in each new UJ ferment from now onwards. So far, I do not think I ever ran further than like 12 generations. Sometimes I get an fungal infection halfway down that number. Sometimes I feel taste deteriorates after generation 10 or 11. Sometimes I lose interest in a recipe. Okay, that last bit cannot be helped.
Okay, some resveratrol experiments are on their way! I will keep you posted.