Report: Straight Panela vs. Panela Inocculated with Live Dunder
Batch 1: 20 lbs panela in 10 gal water
Batch 2: 20 lbs panela in 10 gal water + 2 gal live dunder added when potential alcohol read 2%
My live dunder is panela stillage to which I added:
- A handful of panela
- yeast to consume the oxygen
- Clostridium Butyricum probiotic tablets
- Lactobacillus (from live yogurt)
- Propionibacterium (from grated Emmentaler cheese)
- Acetobacter (from sourdough starter)
- a chunk of marble to prevent low pH
Both batches were distilled once with four plates. Both batches were in full reflux for one hour to promote esterification. Was there esterification? On Batch 2, hell yes!
Batch 1 was a pretty basic sugar wash story. Flavor was about what you'd expect... a little mild panela note here or there, a lot of sharpness and fusels and raw distillate character. Typical. A little hot, kind of raw, sort of boring.
Batch 2 (collected in 24 jars) had shocking estery pineapple flavors in jars 2-5, but 5 also tasted kinda pukey. Nice tasting hearts through jar 18. Jars 19-22 were cloudy tails. Jars 23 and 24 had very little tailsiness, but an interesting fatty round body so I kept them. My "take" was a little larger because of these jars. Maybe Batch 1 had them also but I didn't look for them. Whoops.
I am fully satisfied that a] Live dunder is worth doing, b]
Arroyo was right about the fifth section (Fores-Heads-Hearts-Tails-Oils or whatever) and c] I'm going to need a lot more barrels.