Where'd your name come from??

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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by HookLine »

Husker wrote:Btw, fecus is a great lookin pooch. Probably super nice dog also. A lot of dogs that have been abused in the past, become WONDERFUL pets, if brought into a good environment that is good, and treated well for a while. It takes a while to get the anger out of some of them (or the fear), but once you convince them you are a GOOD guy, and not the abuser they came from, they will doggy up to you just fine.

I second that. My brother's family got a rescued abused dog from the pound, and he is the greatest companion for the kids you ever met. Very social, loves being with the kids, and knows exactly just how rough he can play with them, has never hurt them. No problem with other dogs either. Comes and stays with me when they go away. Lovely little fellow. Very much a part of our family.

Only downside is that he hates being alone for very long. Needs company.
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by Husker »

rescue dogs often do have issues with being left alone. they are like the con that was tossed in the hole too long. Just dont do being alone well any more.

There are some that never can get over the fear or anger. But the shelters pretty much know which ones those are from the get go. But even some of those 'bad dogs', with enough love, can be made into decent pets, even if only for a single person or a farm animal.

We have exclusively done the rescue animals now for about 15 years. Would not do it any other way. A lot of really great animals out there, who just need friendship.

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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by poidog »

My master found me as a puppy, tied up and abandoned, in a kalo patch in Hanalei. He is a great master, but he won't pay for my braces. :(
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by Husker »

U do have a smile only a mother could love, pdog ;) Looks like chupacabra to me.
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by poidog »

Husker wrote:U do have a smile only a mother could love, pdog ;) Looks like chupacabra to me.
Si, Chupacabra es mi hermano Mexicano.
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by Husker »

I guess it would have to catch a hell of a wave to make it out the the island, so I guess the pic must not be it ;)

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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by cob »

me thinks its part of getting old but they tells me i been this way all along. its just the way i am. this way ( cob ) is what's left when all the corn's gone. and this way ( c.o.b. ) is the cranky old bastard. cob

i did 't see hookline or husker but could of missed em. cob (edit)poidog neither
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by Husker »

My nick, hell, it's just a football team. Where I live, there aint much of to speak of. B-grade fooball, with occasional runs of A-grade football is 'bout all we got. I just used that handle.

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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by HookLine »

Mine is just a local slang name we used for a type of fishing line with the sinker on the end, and several hooks coming off back up the line. We used it for catching whiting on the sand flats.

hook line
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by Husker »


I thought urs was due to you forgetting your password to the original user nick you took, 'sinker'

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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by Dan Call »

Mine should be fairly obvious from anyone that knows their whiskey history. Dan Call was the preacher/distiller that took in a young Jasper Newton Daniel as a teenager on his farm in middle Tennessee. He was later known as Jack Daniel. He learned how to distill whiskey on the Call farm from a slave named Uncle Nearis who was a method of filtering the whiskey through burnt sugar maple to take away the 'hog's breath' or hangover. The technique was well known and was later referred to as "the Lincoln County Process." JD still uses the process today, this being the primary difference between "Tennessee Sippin' Whiskey" and bourbon. Call and Daniel had a rather large distilling operation for many years before the preacher sold out and Jack went out on his on, but I digress.
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by cob »

the team is a reference to corn from location my speculation was that it might be more than a love of football. cob

if you don't ask you may never know. cob

(edit) hookline, same term common here. all in. cob
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by Whohitjohn »

Local nickname for moonshine. I heard John Wayne mention it in one of his movies also.

On a different note, it's interesting to see all the motorheads on this forum. I swear I remember a drag car called goinbroke from somewhere...
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by HookLine »

Husker wrote:Hook,

I thought urs was due to you forgetting your password to the original user nick you took, 'sinker'

I originally had to re-register because the forum suddenly stopped letting me log in. Apparently phpBB software does that occasionally, and the easiest thing is just to open a new account.

That is why I had to get a new name.

I chose that particular new name just as a weak joke on the phrase 'hook, line, and sinker'.

Yup, nothing more exciting than that, I'm afraid. :|
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by deepseajb »

When I got my first computer I was really into deep sea fishing and have used it ever since, now I mainly surf fish.

There is a fine line between fishing and standing on the bank looking like an idiot !
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by mjdtexan »

MJD are my initails - Texan is cause I'ma Texan.

My pa told me to never ask a man where he's from. Iffin a man hails from Texas, he'll tell ya.
Iffin he dont, why embarrass him?

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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by Feckless »

Best describes me, at times.
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by scarecrow »

Me Paw nailed me up here when I was a youngen an said youse can come back in the house when youse lern to behave. :D :shock:

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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by Usge »

MJD are my initails - Texan is cause I'ma Texan.

My pa told me to never ask a man where he's from. Iffin a man hails from Texas, he'll tell ya.
Iffin he dont, why embarrass him?
Hahahha. ALL of my relative (since 1600s) come from east coast. But, my in-laws are from west texas. They used to say......"U from West Texas"??? I'd say...no..and tell them from where my family is from on East coast. They'd say....."If you ain't from West Texas....U from East Texas". :)

ie...everything was about Texas. I figured that out early.
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by mupfo »

mupfo the first time we made apple pie shine we had 2 gallons at a party and everyone loved it. especially all the ladies !! mupfo = Makes Ur Panties Fall Off :esurprised:
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by pumpman »

Can't believe I forgot to post on this one. Must have been drinkin when I read it the first time. Mine comes from when I was in the porn industry. :lol:
Just kiddin I pump concrete. Might have to change it to garbageman soon. The wife allready calls me Fred Sanford. :P
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by MuleKicker »

I was called mule back on the highschool football team, mule kick is a hillbilly term for moonshine. Hell, I dont need to explain that to you guys. You see where Im going.
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by adama_bill »

Adama . . . . what a guy . . . . what a Mench.

Adama (first name is William) is the Admiral in the new Battlestar Galactica series ~ this is the best scifi show ever screened on TV.
In Australia the show is basically only available buy buying DVD's or downloading.

Fecus, your dog looks like a he's a great friend.
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by JethroBodine »

When I was a wee lad, I played many sports, including American football( so there's no confusion) and powerlifting. I ate a LOT of cereal for breakfast out of a large serving bowl. While watching an episode of "The Beverly Hillbillies", Grannie said to Uncle Jed that she thought there was something wrong with Jethro, because he only ate 3 boxes of cereal that morning. My father, then and there, named me Jethro and my bowl was the Jethro Bowl.
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by Fester »

I got a kid like you. Eats his weight in groceries everyday. We call him Jethrow Bodine or Chris for short. We'd rather clothe him than feed him. Planted the south forthy acres in produce just to keep him fed but at last he ate through all that and everything else. Had to give him to the state and they wanted compensation. After he got several tattoos and a couple of kids the state gov't relented and let us keep Chris for free. Raw deal, I think, after all he eats like you and worse than that - he wants to eat evey f**ng day!!! Thin as a rail and hungry as a horse. I call him "tapeworm" and everyone else just calls him "hungry".
If you want him, he is for sale. cheap. He is tall so screwing in lightbulbs is real easy for him. And if you want brains maybe he can grow a few. Never know.
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by JethroBodine »

Sorry Fester, I've already got one of those, 3 inches taller than me, almost as heavy, has the same shoe size as age( and he's a teenager), and eats one of those new 1.5 quart "half-gallon" ice cream boxes in two settings( you know, snack after lunch and snack after that same night's supper :shock: . The best part is that his I.Q. is rising logarythmically, to the point that I will seem like an idiot, compared to him, in about 6 months :lol: .
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by Slow & Steady »

It was a little over 36 years ago that I started my apprenticeship as a wind instrument repair technician. My teacher/boss started me out on flutes. Check and adjust, then buff on a shammy wheel put it in its case looking all new and pretty and store it on the shelf for the fall rental season. I had already had on flute that almost got away from me on the buffing wheel :oops: ... my boss had said "careful now... remember SLOW & STEADY" So I would always say out loud before I started buffing "SLOW & STEADY". The starter capacitor on my buffer was toast so I had to start the wheel moving then hit the foot pedal to get it going. Being young and stupid I started the motor in the wrong direction, when I pushed the flute up into the buffing wheel it took off across the room in a beautiful arc and sailed out the window :shock: (which wasn't open). :x Every eye in the shop was on me. :esurprised: I stood there thinking that this was going to be my last day as an apprentice. In the embarrassing silence that ensued I need to say something so I sheepishly said "SLOW & STEADY" everyone bust out laughing. I saved my job and earned a nickname. :roll:

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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by ahiaruhe »

It's the road I live on, in rural New Zealand. It's in the Wairarapa region, lots of fancy wine made around here, getting a bit of a moonshine movement going just to keep everyone grounded ...
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by Beerswimmer »

I brew beer and get paid to swim. My 2 favorites!
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by LWTCS »

Beerswimmer wrote:and get paid to swim
How so?
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