Day four and some marked differences are emerging... If a mod feels this is cluttering up the wrong thread feel free to move it, or just tell me to shut up and I'll post it all when I'm done.
On colour, for a start, the charred, on average, is significantly darker and redder than the toasted. I've tried to snap a few pics of the range with a crappy cell camera, with the setting sun as a backlight. The arrangement is charred along the top, toasted along the bottom, 50 abv left, 70 abv right, 5% steps.
another with more backlighting and contrast
The camera seems to (as compared with the naked eye) make the center jars darker. difusing the light with opaque plastic seemed to help a little:
As you can see all the oak is now sunken. Anyway, the darkest jar to my eye (in real life not the pics) would be a dead tie between the 65% charr and 70% charr. Very hard to tell the most colour toasted as yet, but I'd have to say it's probably a tie between 60 and 65%.
It's really way too early to talk about taste and smell, but I opened them up anyway

the best, by FAR is the charred 70%, which is very strongly vanilla. the 65% charr, slightly less so, and all the other samples still just taste like slightly woody white dog. Needs more time. but they looked really pretty in the sunset
Interestingly, I hear Jack Daniels is ages in charred barrels at 70% (to start with). I'm enjoying this experiment, it will be very interesting tasting when further along.