Gin method

All things to do with making of gin

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Gin method

Post by Cackalack »

Hey ya'll distill again after you've soaked the juniper, citrus, and all? Aside from doin' a gin box that is

I just been doin a tincture-lettin' the juniper and citurs and whatever else sit until desirable taste

never really occured to me to redistill until after I did some absinthe
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Re: Gin method

Post by kiwistiller »

three ways:
vapour infusion (gin basket) which you don't want to do, which I think gets best results when you're after a lighter gin e.g. bombay sapphire;

distilled gin - soak the botanicals in the neutral and pour into the boiler for a heavier flavour, or strain out the botanicals for a slightly lighter result. this is good if you like a bolder gin with more aromatics, e.g beefeater, Tanqueray (I think);

compund gin - make a really strong tincture and distil into an essence, which you add to the neutral without further distillation e.g. seagrams / gordons (I think). generally considered inferior.

I'm trying to find where I have my list of what brands are what methods... I think you'll have to trust me (or not) for now as I can't find the reference... so take the examples as off the top of my head rather than dead certain.
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Re: Gin method

Post by Cackalack »

that gives me a good idea at least

thanks kiwi, on to experimentation
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