I found a 2” site glass from an oilfield line heater (stainless with high temp glass), and installed it in my build.
Kinda cool to be able to see the reflux action happening . pic's were tough to get with the glare from the glass/camera, but shows up fairly well....
hope this didn't double post , as i am kinda new at posting, and lost my connection when i hit submit, any ways, i have been reading and researching the parent site/forum for about 5 months now and have to give a huge thank you too everyone here that makes this forum possible. the wealth of info is astounding KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK
thanx for the reply....since my first post started (while i was brewing) i have been running a batch (still running now) and have pulled 11 liters of harts @96%...man am I happy
Sweet! But, what's with all the tape? It's not just taped there, is it? If so, your drink will have traces of whatever chemicals are in the tape's adhesive, not to mention it looks like vinyl tape, which isn't too alcohol resistant itself..
That is way cool my freind. I have been searching ebay for the same thing for sometime. I have found some on there but they are very pricey when you find them. I will keep searching. hey is your column copper or stainless? if it is copper how did you attach it to your column
lol.... it's not taped into place, I drilled out the column pipe with a hole saw and silver soldered in a female threaded adapter for the site glass to screw into. The only plastic/leachable part that the column has is right on the very top of the condenser where I soldered on a brass garden hose adapter that a removable plastic airlock sits on after the column is up to temp. This allows me to monitor any escaping gas and to adjust my cooling water accurately (also handy for quick attach back flushing with a garden hose).The column is 2" copper with 2" fiberglass pipe insulation from top to bottom. The tape is black duct tape to hold insulation onto column.
here are a couple of pics of the adapter and the air lock (hard to see on top of the condenser). The air lock should never see any alchohol if the condenser is doing it's job should it?