I got a kit like this at the beginning of the year. I have been using it just like I would cigarettes. I am not trying to quit nicotine but I am very glad that I am not smoking cigarettes anymore. It only costs about $15 a month to buy the juice for it... I get mine from http://www.tastyvapors.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow I just tried the grape.... it was great. I do not recommend the cigarette flavored juice. I bet the menthol is good for those that like it. I would much rather be hooked on my vaporizer than cigarettes as I can already feel myself being able to breathe better.
Simple potstiller. Slow, single run.
(50 litre, propane heated pot still. Coil in bucket condenser - No thermometer, No carbon) The Reading Lounge AND the Rules We Live By should be compulsory reading
About 3 years ago I got a bad x-ray. Scared the hell out of me....and I quit. The way I quit was to simply not smoke again...ever...at all...no matter what. The way everyone starts back is to say....well...I can have just one...(ie., it's better than I was doing before). And one leads to two. And so on...till you are smoking again (whether less or not doesn't matter). You just have to quit.
Some of those things like gum or patches or etc., may or may not help take the edge off. Works for some people. But, really, that's the minor part of it compared to mentally quitting and making it through all the times you are going to get an urge...particularly early on. But, it "does" subside with time...even though it feels like it will not.
Just take it a day at a time to start....and no matter what happens....don't give in, don't smoke. Not even one.
I don't know about other people but I found that when I had a bad cold or the 'flu I didn't feel as much like smoking.., sometimes didn't smoke at all.
And the first couple of cigarettes after I felt better, it wasn't the cigarette I really wanted; that first one didn't taste good at all and it made me cough more than usual.
What I was missing was the HABIT.
(I saw a really good cartoon drawing once, with several panels:
A baby sucking on the breast, then with a dummy, then sucking its thumb, and later the young adult with a cigarette...) (All of which seems to show that I am a sucker...!)
So about fifteen years ago, after a really rotten four or five days with the 'flu, I thought, why force myself to have the first smoke so that I can take up the habit again, spend a lot of money on it, and die early. (I had the beginnings of emphysema and knew it though I had never been diagnosed.)
So I never smoked again and although I miss it and always sniff up big when someone is smoking nearby, yet it wasn't difficult.
Good luck to all of you who want to give it up, you will feel a lot better.
Usge wrote:About 3 years ago I got a bad x-ray. Scared the hell out of me....and I quit. The way I quit was to simply not smoke again...ever...at all...no matter what. The way everyone starts back is to say....well...I can have just one...(ie., it's better than I was doing before). And one leads to two. And so on...till you are smoking again (whether less or not doesn't matter). You just have to quit.
Some of those things like gum or patches or etc., may or may not help take the edge off. Works for some people. But, really, that's the minor part of it compared to mentally quitting and making it through all the times you are going to get an urge...particularly early on. But, it "does" subside with time...even though it feels like it will not.
Just take it a day at a time to start....and no matter what happens....don't give in, don't smoke. Not even one.
This is really good advice.
I have quite 3 times. The first two where in the hospital, (can't smoke there) and when I got out I thought, well wtf I can have 1 or 2. Shit in a month I was back at it. When your done, YOU ARE DONE. No going back. It good not to be a slave.
It's a long road but it's well traveled.
Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen. John Steinbeck
kingearwig wrote:
I got a kit like this at the beginning of the year. I have been using it just like I would cigarettes. I am not trying to quit nicotine but I am very glad that I am not smoking cigarettes anymore. It only costs about $15 a month to buy the juice for it... I get mine from http://www.tastyvapors.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow I just tried the grape.... it was great. I do not recommend the cigarette flavored juice. I bet the menthol is good for those that like it. I would much rather be hooked on my vaporizer than cigarettes as I can already feel myself being able to breathe better.
A relation of a relation of mine used to suck on a baby's dummy.
Not a good look in a seventy-year-old lady!
Though I guess if it works....
kingearwig wrote:
I got a kit like this at the beginning of the year. I have been using it just like I would cigarettes. I am not trying to quit nicotine but I am very glad that I am not smoking cigarettes anymore. It only costs about $15 a month to buy the juice for it... I get mine from http://www.tastyvapors.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow I just tried the grape.... it was great. I do not recommend the cigarette flavored juice. I bet the menthol is good for those that like it. I would much rather be hooked on my vaporizer than cigarettes as I can already feel myself being able to breathe better.
This is a good option. The idea here is called harm reduction. Instead of the "quit or die" attitude of the anti-tobacco movement, the idea is to continue the use of nicotine without the smoke, tar and TSNAs believed to be the causes of most of smokers health problems including cancer. These electronic cigarettes work like a small fog machine. They use a propylene glycol base mixed with nicotine, citric acid and different flavors. When a person vapes (because it isn't smoke) a heater inside causes this liquid to vaporize. The person inhales this nicotine laced vapor and then exhales letting out a fog cloud that resembles smoke. This takes care of the nicotine craving as well as the hand to mouth habit that some smokers have.
The liquid used comes in different flavors from plain tobacco to menthol, mints, fruit and just about any flavor you could imagine. They also come in different strengths (nicotine concentration).
Now some smokers can't seem to cut the craving out with these because tobacco has other alkaloids besides nicotine and some tobacco users crave the other substances. One of the favorites of people who still crave while using these e-cigs is swedish snus. Snus is a smokeless tobacco that is like american dip, can be bought loose or in small pouches. It is similar to camel snus and marlboro snus available in the US but many have not like the american version because it is too sweet and it does not deliver the amount of nicotine needed to curb the craving. What makes sweedish snus different from dip or oral snuff is that it goes through a different process than dip or chew that makes it low in TSNA's and therefore safer than dip or chewing tobacco.
Sweden boasts some of the lowest number of cases of lung cancer due to the widespread use of snus but they also have few cases of oral cancer atributed to the use of snus despite this widespread use especially when compared the the US where dip and chewing tobacco are the main types of oral tobacco used.
Theres also a couple of new products like avira and stonewall which are dissolvable tobacco in pill form like tic-tacs. And camel has some dissolvable tobacco products that are similar to avira and stonewalls but also offer a film format, like breathfreshners, and a stick that you hold in your mouth like a toothpick until it dissolves.
Last but not least some ex-smokers have turned to snuff to cut out cigarrettes. This also comes in a bunch of flavors. I think there is even a bacon flavored snuff. That's right ground tobacco inhaled and held in the nostrils helps get nic and the other alkaloids into the blood stream and up into the brain without exposing the user to smoke and tar. Snuff fans also like to point out that there is only one documented case of cancer being caused by the use of snuff and oddly enough this was in a man who had been placing snuff in his ear for many years.
Here is a good place to get more info on e-cigs and also some of the alternative use of tobacco: http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com
Nine days and still going strong. Lots of cravings and hunger pangs - I ignore both cos I'm an ornery old bastard - and feeling confident. The only disadvantage so far is that the women at the dances all clamour for me and tell me how nice I now smell. lol
Simple potstiller. Slow, single run.
(50 litre, propane heated pot still. Coil in bucket condenser - No thermometer, No carbon) The Reading Lounge AND the Rules We Live By should be compulsory reading
I know you can find this list on about a gazillion different sites, but if you have to scroll down through this list to get to the next message, maybe seeing just what you are inhaling might give you some more incentive to quit. (I might have posted this before)
Interesting, ethyl alcohol and yeast are included , , ,
I know you can find this list on about a gazillion different sites, but probably you havent, if you have to scroll down through this list to get to the next message, maybe seeing just what you are inhaling might give you some more incentive to quit.
I already quit, but this list would stop me cold. heynonny
Shit, that's good value for money!! I only smoked for the nicotine and it's not in the list, but look at all the other goodies you get.
EDIT: That's a good sign. When I read this I realised that I wrote in past tense.
Simple potstiller. Slow, single run.
(50 litre, propane heated pot still. Coil in bucket condenser - No thermometer, No carbon) The Reading Lounge AND the Rules We Live By should be compulsory reading
[quote="blanikdog"]Shit, that's good value for money!! I only smoked for the nicotine and it's not in the list, but look at all the other goodies you get.
Your a funny one Blanik. It's good to see you haven't lost your sense of humor.
Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen. John Steinbeck
Bagasso wrote:They use a propylene glycol base mixed with nicotine, citric acid and different flavors
The other option for a base is vegetable glycerin. The issue is that VG based juice doesn't really feel like smoking to your lungs and mouth. I think "vapers" refer to this as throat hit. I like a blend of VG and PG. right around 50/50 is nice. I am interested in obtaining some pure or very strong nicotine so that I can use essential oils and my own ratio of VG and PG. Then I might get into selling e-juice, before they regulate and tax the hell out of it like everything else. My mom is quitting too. She is on the patch. I am doing better about not smoking cancer sticks than she is.
kingearwig high purity nicotine is deadly poison. acording to how stuff works sixty milligrams will kill an adult human, and one cigarette injested by a toddler will cause severe illness. proceed with caution and conscience. cob
cob wrote:kingearwig high purity nicotine is deadly poison. acording to how stuff works sixty milligrams will kill an adult human, and one cigarette injested by a toddler will cause severe illness. proceed with caution and conscience. cob
I agree with you on that one. I thought about that when I ordered my first 30mL bottle of 24 mg/mL e-juice. It didn't even have a child proof lid. Since then I have only carried my e-juice in either tiny 5 mL dropper bottle, or in bottles with child proof lids. I appreciate your concerns. It is reasons such as these that will certainly lead to legislation regarding the distribution of "e-juice" and while I can see that this is advisable, I understand that it will raise the price and probably limit demand. Which I feel is a shame because if every one who smokes would start vaping instead they would undoubtedly live at least slightly healthier lives.
The other side of the story is since vaping isn't offensively stinky, and the taste need not be an acquired one, and there are fewer health concerns; the fear is that teenagers and such will be vaping. thus getting kids who would never be addicted to nicotine addicted. However a little quick cash on the internet from my Near Natural ejuice is not ill-concieved until said legislation is in place.
Another thing that I failed to mention about the e cigarette is that the e-juice is available in many nicotine levels. One could start at a normal level and then slowly ween themselves off of nicotine entirely.
eSmoking aside, I spent all day today at the RSL for ANZAC day, drinking commercial stuff - expecting a headache - and didn't even think about smoking until I smelt the clothes of the smokers there. When I think of all the women who were simply acheing for my body, yet rejectrd my charms because I smelt, terrifies me.
I didn't smoke!
Simple potstiller. Slow, single run.
(50 litre, propane heated pot still. Coil in bucket condenser - No thermometer, No carbon) The Reading Lounge AND the Rules We Live By should be compulsory reading
Good to see this thread on here. I gave up on Thursday last week because it was just getting embarrassing how easily I was getting out of breath. 13 years I've been smoking so there's a lot of habit to break. I decided to take advantage of the fact I live in the middle of nowhere and just burned everything to do with smoking in the yard and have been sitting it out since.
I nearly went mad after a day or so (searching old jackets for tobacco - almost tore my room apart), but now the physical bit seems to have gone away. That's not the problem, though. The trick will be to get drunk and not smoke - the link between those two is so strong.
I'm going to give a few more days and then go drinking in a pub with a mate who doesn't smoke. A guy I know said the trick was not to think how hard it is, but to think how easy it is. Hmm, we'll see about that.
Lots of things get associated together as part of the "habit"...cig after coffee, after a meal, on break, etc. The trick is to break that cycle. You have to do it carefully at first. Bars are not a good place to go. But, if you do, break the "bar/cig" habit by drinking something different. Drink Gingerale, or bitters/soda, or something completely out of the norm. That will help you disassociate your former drinking, with smoking. The important part is ...to just try and focus on something else (new). Before you know it, you will have spent most of the evening not thinking about it.
If you get a really strong urge, switch drinks to something else to confuse your palate...etc. Anything to break things up.
My biggest time was "break time" with co-workers...stepping outside for a cig. I just forced myself "not" to go for the first week. Then after that, just went down to hang out..and realized...the only real purpose of it was to smoke and it was boring for me. So, I don't do the smoke/cig click hang anymore. I find other parts of the habit interesting...biggest urge...at the counter of the store/deli, and they say...."anything else"?? And my mind is SCREAMING a pack of blah, blah, blah etc.
The other was..reaching for my cigs in my top pocket...now empty. Did that for a while.
When worse came to worse...I put a thick rubber band (loose) around my wrist. And If I found myself with no way out...surrounded in a bar, full of smoke, craving a cig and nothing worked to get me out of it....I snapped that rubber band as hard as I could. Stings like the dickens..but got me through. You do what you have to do. The point is...the crux of it is...do not, for whatever reason, no matter what...smoke "one" cig. Don't convince yourself you can have one, or "fall off the wagon" and go back on it. You'll be starting from scratch every time you do that and most do not make it back to where they were. It's best to build on what you have...day by day and it "will" get easier as time goes on. You'll think about it less, the pangs will go away, etc. Not that you won't get them from time to time....but it does get easier down the road...if you can just manage to stay completely clean of them. If you don't....every single day is going to be like the first day you quit (horrible). The urges will never get less, and if you are like most people, you'll give up and say I'm just to miserable without smoking and you'll go back to it. *It only gets better/easier if you "don't" smoke. You can't cheat it. You'll loose.
It's such a twisted thing, smoking. Who'd have thought sitting in a pub having a drink would end up being a some kind of insane battle in my head. As you get drunk it gets harder to remember the reasons, or at least acknowledge them as reasons, why you're doing this and you're just left with the memory that you mustn't smoke.
I don't think my mate will look back on that one as much of a laugh (I almost snapped the cue in half when I lost at pool). I'll get him a drink next time.
It's good to know that this shit gets easier the more you do it. It'd better.
all joking aside, got sick of being out of breath and out of shape so i decided to go for a run. I made it about 20 yards and could feel my pulse in my brain However, I was determined to eventrually run a mile without having to walk any. after about 100 yards I'ld start to cough up some nasty ass crap from my lungs that not even a dog would lick off the sidewalk!! It felt like i was breathing through a coffee straw!!! I just realized that I wasn't happy with what cigaretts could offer me anymore and decided I wanted to try to live different. So I quit. cold turkey.
It sucked hard-core ass for the first four days. Smoking was all I could think about. I replaced it with herbal hot tea. Jasmine green tea was my favorite. The sipping and the aromatic-ness of the infused steam helped to replace the breathing of the cigarette and still gave me something to look forward to on a break. the tea is also mildly soothing and helped slightly to curb the craving.
Dont' get me wrong, I broke down and had one every now and then, but i kicked myself in the ass for it and didn't have any more when i sobered up.
I also formed a reaffirming mantra and would just repeat it over in my head to try to drown out the thoughts of craving. "don't smoke today, don't smoke today"
I guite two years ago and am very glad i did. Now I run a 5K on the treadmill about 3 days a week, I have no problem walking up stairs, and my arms do not fall asleep at night! Sometimes I still have to break out the old mantra and some jasmine green tea, the addiction doesn't ever completely go away, you just get better and controlling the craving.
War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
I quit about 4½ years ago.
All my mountaineering buddies smoked, and still do, but when your daughter of 10YO says that she does'nt want her daddy to get sick, you really have to do something about it...
The first month was the hardest part of giving up, I put on 20LBS, then went back to climbing. I still hanker for a ciggy now and then, but I refrain, as I dont want my clothes stinking up...
Nice to see this thread bumped up guittarmaster...
Nice thread!
I quit cold turkey a few years ago and had some help from nicotine pills the first two weeks, but after that it got easier. What really helped me was that I decided a date when to stop a month before, so I got time to get used to the idea.
Never touched a cigarette since that day but every now and then I get some cravings...
I felt like smoking when I saw this topic for instance
I was seeing my doctor for back pain.
He looked at the pack of smokes in my pocket and said “ you just might survive them if you quit now”.
Really got my attention. It took me another two years to quit. By the time I got up the courage, I was a non smoker in my head and hated myself every time I lit up.
When I quit I had already won the war in my brain.
It took one week for the physical addiction withdrawals to stop. It seemed like forever.
Started bribing friends and my high school age kids to quit. $100 to quit. They had to give it back if they started again. (it was lot of money for a teenager 20 years ago)
I saved seven lives and improved the hell out of mine.
Haven't had a cigarette in 4 years now and proud to be a nonsmoker. i will always say that quitting was the best thing I ever did for myself. I started about age 13 and had a pack aday or more till I quit. I remember laying there smokin with my old lady one night and realizing I just didn't want it anymore. I looked at her and said this was my last cig. She rolled her eyes and said ,whatever, it's not mine. It wasn't my last but it was close. Got myself some nicotine gum and it worked for me. Gave me something to replace the habit with. I'm a strong believer in it and anyone who's ever had a piece in thier mouth will tell you a cig ain't shit compared to the nicotine you can get from that piece of gum. Enough to make you sick if your not careful. My wife did end up quitting but not for two years after I did. Suprisingly my biggest trigger wasn't alcohol but coffee. I had coffee and cigaretts for breakfast as long as I could remember and I found myself not able to enjoy the coffee anymore for it making me want a cig so bad. So I quit drinking coffee for a year. After that I was able to go back to it and enjoy it once again. I'm enjoying a strong black cup right now, matter a fact. The main thing about quitting is you have to really WANT to quit. Quitting because your girlfriend said to or the like just won't work. Gotta have resolve. I am NOT going to smoke. And get some kind of nicotine supplement to help wean you off, gum, patches whatever. Nicotine is a powerful thing. No need to go up against it without some help. Just torturing yourself. That's my take on the subject and anyone thinking about quitting I applaud you but it's a long road ahead. I still get cravings when I smell smoke on just the right breeze. I still wake up at night cussing myself because I had just smoked in a dream and thought it was real and I had to start all over again. I leave you with a quote from the late, great, Mark Twain. "To stop smoking is an easy thing. I know, for I have done it hundreds of times."
This is grain, which any fool can eat, but for which God intended a more divine means of consumption...
I guarantee yall that anyone that quits tobacco will quickly make WAY better booze.
You will be surprised how much easier the "cuts" will become... and we all know the quality of our booze is directly related to how good our "cuts" are.
theholymackerel wrote:Quittin' tobacco is all about bein' stubborn and hard-headed.
I was furious with myself for payin' big money to support a habit that gave no pleasure, just relieved a need.
That was when I realized I WANTED to quit after smoking for 12 years, pack and a half a day, two and a half packs if I was drinking!
Thanks Sam. I came across this when looking for something else(edit: just remembered it was acetic acid and the search engine pulled up the long list of cigarette additives). Great job to everybody who has stuck with it!
By the way, how is As-Ol-Joe doing on this front?
War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Whoa this quitting gig is damn hard work. Smoked since I was 12.or 13 ,damage is prolly done, lesson to late for the learning but just maybe it will be a good example for my children. Been at this for about a month or so on Champix (nasty stuff but it does help)
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.Benjamin Franklin
I've quit tobacco cigarettes for about 2 months now after about 50 yrs of smoking. Went to vaping a mod and have dropped the nicotine level from 18 down to 3. Can breathe much better now