Thanks for all the advice... First one's a success!

Many like to post about a first successful ferment (or first all grain mash), or first still built/bought or first good run of the still. Tell us about all of these great times here.
Pics are VERY welcome, we drool over pretty copper 8)

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Thanks for all the advice... First one's a success!

Post by Byubuk »

My first run in the pot still was 12 gallons of sweet feed mash. I didn't have any hydrometers to do the wash, so I just followed the recipe as posted here. It fermented out in 5 days, so I racked it off and put it in the fridge to clear overnight.
I started nice and slow Saturday Morning. Almost forgot, (I Added a thump keg also). I took off about a 1/2 pint of foreshots, then caught the next part of the run in a quart jar. After this was full, I used 1/2 pint jars for the remainder of the run, which took about 5 hours. I could tell when I started getting into the tails, because the product started getting cloudy. Not includung the bad stuff, I distilled 1.5 gallons of nice looking, smelling stuff. By the way my hydrometer arrived Saturday, so I did some testing.
Started off at 180, then dropped down in proof every other pint or so, 170, 160, 150... Towards the end it really started dropping off fast, and I quit at around 60. It was a great learning experience.
Now, the questions!
1. I never could discern any real different smells throughout the run. The only part that really smelled different was the first 1/2 pint, which I discarded. Should I be able to tell when the hearts come through? What smell should I try to notice? All the way until I shut the burner off, everything smelled wonderful. I've read about wet cardboard smell for tails, but I didn't get any of that.

2. I saved 3 gallons of the wash after distilling, and am planning to add this back into my next batch. Can I keep it at room temperature, or should I refrigerate it until I can use it?

3. On average, how long should I let this sit on charred oak chips? I charred some myself (white oak plank) and put 4-5 pieces per quart jar about 2" x 2" x 1/4" in size each, after I cut the proof to around 90.

Once again, thanks for all the information. This place rocks!
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Re: Thanks for all the advice... First one's a success!

Post by WalkingWolf »

congrats on your first run. If you're not real careful, could might get hooked

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Re: Thanks for all the advice... First one's a success!

Post by scarecrow »

Byubuk wrote:My first run in the pot still was 12 gallons of sweet feed mash.
Good feeling isn't it. :D
Byubuk wrote:1... different smells throughout the run.
With my poor sense of smell, I find the fores to be the most offensive. I rely on taste more than smell. They will have all the nasties like methanol, acetone, acetates etc that stink like a dead bears bum. They taste like shit as well.
As you move into the heads it should change to a less pungent bitey smell ( but still stinky). With my pottie, heads start at about 82% down to about 78%.
Hearts should have a nice clean "sweet" smell and taste. Very little bite on the tongue. (This is why airing out the jars for a few days helps - it lets the last of the nasties evaporate, leaving the "good stuff").
The sweet spot for my hearts is between about 77% down to 70%. I keep collecting down to 50% and the rest down to 10% is for the feints jar.

I would expect about 1/2 litre of 4's, 1l of heads, 2l hearts, and about 1/2 litre of tails. (emphasis on "about")
Byubuk wrote:Can I keep it at room temperature......
Sure can. Store it in stainless or glass and keep it sealed to stop evaporation. Will keep for ever.
Byubuk wrote:On average, how long should I let this sit on charred oak chips? ..... after I cut the proof to around 90.
Depends what you want. I generally add 2 sticks, 1/2" square by 6" long per litre at 55%.

90 proof is a bit low in my opinion for oaking. You may end up with a stronger "woody" taste than you would like. Average proof would be between 110 - 130.
I age my hooch for a minimum of 3 months (for corn whiskey and rum) but most of my stock is getting up to 12 months and it is just starting to be "dang, that's nice".
Byubuk wrote:This place rocks!
Yeah, that's because of me.

:shock: JK

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Re: Thanks for all the advice... First one's a success!

Post by blanikdog »

Well done byubuk. Be careful or you'll find yourself hooked :)

Simple potstiller. Slow, single run.
(50 litre, propane heated pot still. Coil in bucket condenser - No thermometer, No carbon)
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Re: Thanks for all the advice... First one's a success!

Post by Byubuk »

Thanks Guys. Got a batch of UJSSM bubbling away as we speak. Also got a 55 gallon drum of molasses and one of raw sugar headed my way. (it's nice to have a pal at a sugar mill)
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Re: Thanks for all the advice... First one's a success!

Post by ScottishBoy »

Byubuk wrote:Thanks Guys. Got a batch of UJSSM bubbling away as we speak. Also got a 55 gallon drum of molasses and one of raw sugar headed my way. (it's nice to have a pal at a sugar mill)
blanikdog wrote:Well done byubuk. Be careful or you'll find yourself hooked :)
Sigh...Too Late! :)

Gratz on the run. I find a good run to be oddly self satisfying. I always get that feeling of 'your arent supposed to be able to do this, but you did'. It makes me feel a little rebellious and a little bit misbehaved.

I like that feeling! Hope you do too!

HD Survival in a Nutshell...
Read.Search.Listen.Ask for feedback, you WILL get it. Plastic is always "questionable". Dont hurry. Be Careful. Dont Sell,Tell, or Yell. If you wouldnt serve it to your friends, then it isnt worth keeping.
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