Why a Home Distiller Should Know Bloody Mary?
Bloody Mary is made with vodka, which nearly all of us distill. While drinking your hard work, why not make it more tasty and attractive?

Bloody Mary was found by a barmen in New York in late 20's. Later it became one of the most popular coctails in time. There are about 20-25 different Bloody Mary recipes, so the argument of which one is the real is quite useless. Each of them has a different taste so whatever suits your joy is fine. You can even create your version

1 jigger vodka
Tomato juice
2 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
Tabasco (to taste)
Worcestershire sauce (to taste)
Salt, pepper (to taste)
1 celery stick
1 lemon wedge
Put the a cube of ice into the shaker. Add the ingredients. Close the shaker carefully. Shake with full power until the ice melts (by that I mean the sound of ice should disappear.) Take a tall glass, put regular ice cubes into it. Add the mixture to glass. Then put the celery stick and the lemon wegde into the glass.
- Always follow this order. İce, salt, pepper, tabasco, worcestershire sauce, vodka, tomato juice.
- For garnish cherry and tomato and cucumber are very delicious too!
- Be sure you add the Tabasco sauce 1-2 drips only unless you're not Mexican.

The legends of Bloody Mary
There is a common saying that Bloody Mary helps to become sober in the morning after one of those crazy nights. I had this experiment on my friends. Some did get sober, however some got even more drunk and puked on me so beware!

If the terms like jigger, shaker and other stuff is unfamiliar to you check my topic "Basic İnformation About Coctails"
http://homedistiller.org/forum/viewtopi ... 0#p6872610

Enjoy & Drink Responsibly