advice on my thump keg

Simple pot still distillation and construction with or without a thumper.

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advice on my thump keg

Post by Chris2626 »

Someone has told me a way to make my thump keg and i wanted to get other peoples thoughts on this. I have gone back and forth so many times and wanted to clear this up before I start ordering my copper.

I'm not sure how to draw a picture post of it on here so will try and explain it the best that I can, nor could i even figure out where the paint shop is on my new computer. lol

Ok I am building a pot still I have a 15.5 gallon boiler which i figured I could have 2 inch pipe coming out of it about 1 ft then go over to my 7 gallon thump keg about 3ft or less with the 2 inch I could reduce it down to 1 inch and have the pipe go down the center of the flange on the uncut thump keg. What I figured I could do is have this 1 inch pipe go down the center of the fitting while being surrounded by the 2 inch copper pipe that goes into the flange on the thump keg. I say another 1 ft peice of 2 inch copper pipe on the thump keg and 1 inch going through the center. So the steam goes down the 1 inch pipe turns back to a liquid then heats up and comes up the 2 inch pipe on the doubler and then will have to make some kinda fitting of some sort coming outta the 2 inch pipe back to a 1 inch pipe to then a 5/8s worm. Have I lost yall yet?? I know how i can make this fitting when it leaves the double to the worm I just can't quite explain it.

Someone else on here mentioned this to me and thought it was a great idea so I then wouldn't have to cut two extra holes in my thump keg that I could use the existing flange that is there.

What are yalls thoughts??

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Re: advice on my thump keg

Post by LWTCS »

Your thoughts are good.
There are a few examples here of what you describe.

Condensificator's Thumpificator sticks out most as his craftsmanship is crazy good. ... r#p6870974

Don't fret over his plumbing. His is all custom mod. But the vapor path is what you describe.
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Re: advice on my thump keg

Post by kenfyoozed » ... 31&start=0

take a look here. This is what I am planning. Sounds close to what you are looking for.
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Re: advice on my thump keg

Post by LWTCS »

kenfyoozed wrote:This is what I am planning
Not Kenfyoozed at all as that is also the one.

Cheers Ken
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Re: advice on my thump keg

Post by Chris2626 »

Thanks guys for the links, that actually gave me another idea for the 1 inch pipe that goes down to the bottom of the double i'll just drill a bunch of holes like this guy did. I like that idea allot, well guess I'll be ordering my copper then. I was thinking of one way but the second link I'll do it like that then having my output to the side instead of running out the top. I was thinking how the heck i'd solder a 1 inch elbow and get it inside of the 2 inch well that solves that problem.

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Re: advice on my thump keg

Post by Chris2626 »

kenfyoozed wrote: ... 31&start=0

take a look here. This is what I am planning. Sounds close to what you are looking for.
I'm curious of this I see in the picture this person has there output exiting out the side of the pipe towards there condenser now wouldn't you want it to go directly out the top instead?? wouldn't it then be more efficient?

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Re: advice on my thump keg

Post by LWTCS »

Chris2626 wrote:wouldn't you want it to go directly out the top instead?? wouldn't it then be more efficient?
Vapor gonna find it's way out no matter.

Doubt that regular folk could measure any meaningful difference.
Qualified theorists could prolly take a measurement.

Your choice may largely be predicated on your personal space (and parts).
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Re: advice on my thump keg

Post by Chris2626 »

Thanks guess I'll just have to see when I build it.
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more advice needed on thump keg

Post by Chris2626 »

Ok flange on the thump keg i kinda goofed on I forgot it measured exactly 2 inch when the OD on the pipe is 2-1/8. I've got enough money in this thing and don't want to pay for another dang keg adapter so I'm wondering is there a way I could some how make some short slits in the pipe and give it a cone affect and solder the slits back closed just so I can have a wedge affect in it and want to then use that homemade paste to seal it up.

I know a guy who makes tons of runs and the paste is all he uses. So what can I do?? I really don't want to mill out the flange and risk really destroying the keg.

Seems like somewhere on here a guy did this but not sure if he milled the flange or what
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Re: advice on my thump keg

Post by LWTCS »

Ozone executed some fab tricks like that. He has some skills.
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Re: advice on my thump keg

Post by Chris2626 »

thanks I'll type that name in and do a search. I maybe buy another dam flange
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Re: advice on my thump keg

Post by still crazy »

Heres a sketch Chris

You can vary your pipe sizes as needed
thumper keg 001.jpg
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Re: advice on my thump keg

Post by Chris2626 »

thanks still crazy I never really thought of using a dam T haha but when i took a look I don't think i can get the size i need. I'm just gonna go as planned and hopefully it will work out.

I found on here someone making there own flange so gonna give that a try tomorrow, just bought some 4 gauge copper wire. Would be really nice to save a little money still have to order a clamp but maybe able to test it out with some paste this weekend.

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Re: advice on my thump keg

Post by WalkingWolf »

Chris2626 wrote:I found on here someone making there own flange so gonna give that a try tomorrow, just bought some 4 gauge copper wire. Would be really nice to save a little money still have to order a clamp but maybe able to test it out with some paste this weekend.

Just a note on the easy-flange -- was pounding on some #4 this morning. Keep your torch handy and anneal every so often. It will "miss-shape" as you pound on the copper and it will become VERY rigid. Heat it up to red and let it cool and right back to good ole copper. Be careful -- a crushing blow from a hammer to the knuckle will smart for a day or so (and will bleed for going on 12 hours now :oops: )
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Re: advice on my thump keg

Post by Chris2626 »

hahaha sorry couldn't help to laugh, I'm curious though I didn't see on the easy flange or should I say I need to read a bunch more and not look at just the pictures but was wondering did you add a rubber gasket to this when you finish it?? and looks like in the pictures I see it isn't really hammered flat.

My thought was to like you say hammer it flat the best I can and bring it over to a friend who is a machinist and have him face this so it is a super flat smooth surface and thought maybe I should have him cut a groove in it to add a rubber gasket like my other one i bought from mile high distilling. What ya think? is this really even needed?

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Re: advice on my thump keg

Post by WalkingWolf »

A SICK man you are Chris -- enjoying the pain and anguish of another seedy, oilcloset hooch crafter. :evil:
Chris2626 wrote: . . . . but was wondering did you add a rubber gasket to this when you finish it??
I used a tri-clamp gasket and removed the "ridge" on one side with a razor blade.
Chris2626 wrote: I see it isn't really hammered flat.

My thought was to like you say hammer it flat the best I can and bring it over to a friend who is a machinist and have him face this so it is a super flat smooth surface and thought maybe I should have him cut a groove in it to add a rubber gasket like my other one i bought from mile high distilling. What ya think? is this really even needed?
I've made the flange with #6 wire and didn't hammer "flat" (relatively speaking - but really angled to roughly coincide with the angle of the other side :econfused: ). I was never satisfied with the final product and have removed those. I went with the #4 to have enough copper to actually fill up the space within the clamp so the two sides line up. There wasn't enough material before and the column would move (ever so slightly) one way or the other when I was tightening the clamp. This drove me nuts.

On the machinist thing -- Not sure. I have pounded (don't laugh) to within 15% or so of completion and it takes all of the available copper to angle out to have a corresponding match. So if the machinist comes in and cuts and smooths -- yes it will look real nice but will there be enough copper left to do what you need it to do. I don't know but if you go that route keep us posted. Having a slot cut on the underside for the gasket ridge would be nice -- but not worth the $$$$$$ if paying by the hour.
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Re: advice on my thump keg

Post by still crazy »

Chris let me know what size tee ya need I can probably get one for ya

Wolf DO NOT use a bigger hammer

Don't know why but trying to lay a brick walkway I must have hit my digits a dozen times with that rubber mallet.
I felt like I crushed the ends of every finger that day.
Got to be so numb that I didn't even feel the last 2 or 3 times.

and NO I wasn't drinking, during. But did have to medicate after.
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Re: advice on my thump keg

Post by Chris2626 »

I'm off to go buy a mandral for my hole saw and get another reducer since i realized macmaster-carr sent me one to big but I think what I'm gonna do will work just fine, it's a little more work but it'll work.

My flange seemed to come out pretty dang good and heating it up to it was red hot sure did make it soft and one more beating and it came out perfect. I've got a belt sander that I'm gonna put it on to get it really flat and smooth. If I get it finished tonight I'll try and get some pictures up of it.

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Re: advice on my thump keg

Post by olddog »

I just use a bit of 1/4"tube to get the right angle instead of wire, it's easier to form than hard wire.

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Re: advice on my thump keg

Post by WalkingWolf »

Chris2626 wrote: . . . . and one more beating . . . . .
. . . . and the beatings will continue until Morale improves . . . .

Congrats on the flange -- good to hear it came out good for you.
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Re: advice on my thump keg

Post by Chris2626 »

flange is complete and I couldn't be happier with it. I ran it on the belt sander to get a really smooth flat surface and it's dam near perfect. I must say my soldering and copper fabrication for my very first time has come out truly great. I guess those tig welding skills came in handy.

I'm pretty much finished with my still, all i need to do is maybe make one more solder for the worm and buy a garbage can for the worm and some epoxy and I'm ready to make a cleaning run with vinegar, alot of it since i used a little to much flux lol but live and learn.

I gotta ask and can't seem to find on here, there is a company in Texas that makes a clamp I need for my new flange and I think it was something called like breaw house or something can yall give me the name of it so i can order this clamp?? I hate to order from mile high it took to dam long to get here.

This was over all a fun build, time consuming but fun.

I set everything up to see how it looks and dam it's huge, I'm kinda wanting to take a foot outa the pipe that runs to the thumper but am curious if I take to much and make it to short can this screw up the overall running of the still?? Just want to cut it to make it a spec shorter and smaller? Right now it's a total of about 3'8" ruffly and just like to take a foot off it. I have about a 2- 1/2 ft pipe to my worm which maybe kinda short but want to keep it kinda small.

Can't find my camera to post pictures.

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Re: advice on my thump keg

Post by Usge »
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Re: advice on my thump keg

Post by Chris2626 »

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