Packed Column Still w/ Little Reflux for Flavored Spirits?

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Packed Column Still w/ Little Reflux for Flavored Spirits?

Post by chemeng »

Hey all-

I've been reading through for a while, and I've decided to try and enter the wild world of home distilling.

I've had a little luck so far with a basic pot still, making brandies using double-distillation, and wanted to move to something a little more complex.

I want to be able to make flavored spirits in a single pass, in effect having two theoretical plates in my still. While I know a thumper can accomplish this, the idea of a packed column appeals to me.

I was thinking of making a 1.5 ft tall. 1.5 inch diameter packed column with 6mm Rachsig Rings. At the top of the column head, I'd place a partial condenser make of ~6 loops of 3/8ths copper pipe to run water through and induce a little reflux.

Do you think this kind of thing will work to produce flavored spirits? I fear be too much rectification, producing a neutral spirit w/ flavors only in the tail. I've read on the main site that reflux/fractionating columns can be used to make whiskey/brandy with very sharp "cuts". Thoughts? Thanks!
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Re: Packed Column Still w/ Little Reflux for Flavored Spirit

Post by likkerluvver »

That's what I've been experimenting with on my CM column rig.

I've been applying different cooling to the 4 reflux pipes at the top of the top half (pot mode) of the column (of course, full pot mode uses NO cooling). I have been measuring the output temperature in order to vary and control the reflux/dephlegmation produced. I have also been varying the number of copper rolls in that short column.

I guess the higher the %ABV output, the lower the taste carry-over. Great for white rums many people seem to favour. I wonder how it compares to all those lovely-looking flute/bubblers? And thumpers? Of course, thumpers have an added flexibility. They can be charged with wash, feints, molasses etc.

Of course, full pot mode is often stated to have the most taste carry-over.

I's experiment with your ideas - it's a large part of the fun in this hobby. I've often thrown my distillate back in the boiler for another run when I didn't like the results.

Different strokes for different folks I guess. :)

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Re: Packed Column Still w/ Little Reflux for Flavored Spirit

Post by LWTCS »

likkerluvver wrote:That's what I've been experimenting with on my CM column rig.

I've been applying different cooling to the 4 reflux pipes at the top of the top half (pot mode) of the column (of course, full pot mode uses NO cooling). I have been measuring the output temperature in order to vary and control the reflux/dephlegmation produced. I have also been varying the number of copper rolls in that short column.

I guess the higher the %ABV output, the lower the taste carry-over. Great for white rums many people seem to favour. I wonder how it compares to all those lovely-looking flute/bubblers? And thumpers? Of course, thumpers have an added flexibility. They can be charged with wash, feints, molasses etc.

Of course, full pot mode is often stated to have the most taste carry-over.

I's experiment with your ideas - it's a large part of the fun in this hobby. I've often thrown my distillate back in the boiler for another run when I didn't like the results.

Different strokes for different folks I guess.
Mention'd previously,,I think this is a worthy experiment.
And will certainly produce a very pleasant and floral rum.

There are bits an peices around here that suggest that some qualified opinions have had success with kind of thing.
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Re: Packed Column Still w/ Little Reflux for Flavored Spirit

Post by likkerluvver »

LWTCS wrote:
..... Mention'd previously,,I think this is a worthy experiment.
And will certainly produce a very pleasant and floral rum.

There are bits an peices around here that suggest that some qualified opinions have had success with kind of thing.

Thanks LW,

I think there's lots to learn here. I have admired your humper/thumper (am I really saying that to a guy?!? :oops: :oops: :oops: ) the flute/bubbler builds etc. with envy :mrgreen: but there are lots of possibilities with my simple CM rig that I am interested in investigating before I start my VM reflux and copper pot/thumper or flute builds.

Go for it CE. We'll have to compare notes. :)

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Re: Packed Column Still w/ Little Reflux for Flavored Spirit

Post by LWTCS »

likkerluvver wrote:I have admired your humper/thumper (am I really saying that to a guy?!?
Never,,,ever,,,say that again :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks for the kind words.
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Re: Packed Column Still w/ Little Reflux for Flavored Spirit

Post by chemeng »

Thanks for the positive responses! I'll have to run the experiment and get back to you all. Worst comes to worst I can always take out the packing and just keep double-distilling.
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Re: Packed Column Still w/ Little Reflux for Flavored Spirit

Post by Popcorn Fan »

I used my Condensor controlled still, took out some packing and ran it wide open and got about 83 percent, then next run took out more packing and got 73 percent on a rum run. It works well, a few people have told me to take out a bit more packing and go for 65 percent, 73 has a lot of flavour though. It works well
Popcorn Fan
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