Hullo from Bulgaria

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Hullo from Bulgaria

Post by clarkee142 »

As a Kiwi that also lived 30 years in Perth in Oz its a pleasure to read such interesting topics here. I have been distilling for about ten years in Oz but moved to Bulgaria about four yesrs ago. Bought a handmade still from the gypsies (50 lits work of art) and have been distilling a variety of washes since then. Where I live in the mountains there is an abundance of fruit trees, mainly being apples and variosu sorts of plums with the occassional cherry (both sweet and sour). The locals prepare their wash in the traditional manner by squashing the fruit and placing in a 200 lit drum and letting nature take its course. If they don't have a lid then a board is placed across the top which results in mould and small flies in great numbers but have never heard of anyone losing a batch. Also everyone has their own still but if not then the old communist governement actually supplied a still for the village, some of which are still in operation. The still are all pot still with the occassional thumper being used. After distillation the distillate is always put in wooden casks which are cheap and pleantiful here, being mainly oak but also acacia and also mulberry but this is rather expensive. No one is using turbo yeasts as they not available here so imported some and amazed the locals when I fermented a wash in 8 days. Impossible they said but now after four years they come around for a little sample of "that yeast" which I supply to them. The best brew I made was a wash that was from sweet white grapes, about 30kg, and about 6 kg of quince which gave the distillate a wonderful perfume and tatse and they still talk about it in the village.Some said it was not for drinking only for smelling, wonderful aroma.
No one buys or drinks bought brandy as it used to be rather contaminated and it is frowned upon to drink it. When ever there is a party, which is frequently, everyone brings their own brandy (rakia) and it is all sampled and commented on. All washes are made from wild or orchard fruit and I have never seen a grain wash being done, except by me of course, as they do not understand the principles involved although commercially they produce many spirits in Bulgaria.
Well thanks about all folks.....nazdrave to all and happy brewing!
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Re: Hullo from Bulgaria

Post by LWTCS »

Exellant post Sir.
Thank you for giving us a window into your community.

Looking forward to more of your posts

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Re: Hullo from Bulgaria

Post by blind drunk »

The best brew I made was a wash that was from sweet white grapes, about 30kg, and about 6 kg of quince which gave the distillate a wonderful perfume and taste and they still talk about it in the village.
Oh boy, that sounds effing good. There's a Portuguese guy here and I keep hearing that he grows lots of quince :idea:

You kept it white, I presume?

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Re: Hullo from Bulgaria

Post by clarkee142 »

Blind drunk,
I diced the quince first and then put the blender in there to make a pulp. Worked an absolute treat but the quince need to be fresh as tried it with frozen and no flavour at all. Give the quince a sniff should tell you if they are fresh.

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Re: Hullo from Bulgaria

Post by Bushman »

Welcome, your avatar rivals Rads :lol: Sounds like you make some mighty interesting drinks. Must be quite a change moving from one country to another!
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Re: Hullo from Bulgaria

Post by blind drunk »

Thanks Nazdrave.
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Re: Hullo from Bulgaria

Post by azeo »

Welcome! That's a great insight on the local scene there, great reading! Whets the appetite for more, so to speak! :-)
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Re: Hullo from Bulgaria

Post by Ayay »

NZ to Bulgaria...casually legal to casually illegal. You have the best of both worlds!
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Re: Hullo from Bulgaria

Post by clarkee142 »

NZ to Bulgaria...casually legal to casually illegal. You have the best of both worlds!

Yes when Bulgaria joined the EU they tried to bring in an alcohol tax but this was met by huge opposition so now we are allowed to brew a certain volume prior to being required to pay the tax. but this is only enforced for the commercial producers and never enforced on the general public. Also every house has their still and your home made brandy (rakia) is always presented with pride and discussion. I have been stopped by the police with a clearly visible still in the back but it only ensued a discussion on the way that I make the wash and do the distillation. It is just the norm here that we make all our own brandy.

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Re: Hullo from Bulgaria

Post by blind drunk »

Thanks Nazdrave.
:oops: :oops:

I get it now.
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