Where'd your name come from??

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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by ScottishBoy »

My family originated in Scotland. Even though we havent been back for many generations, my dad says I wear the tartan like I made it myself.
The boy part is just the way I am. I never lost that curiosity that young boys have and I love to experiment and learn new things. Im 44 now and I still love to explore and study. When someone tells me I should be afraid, I study up on why.

They tell people to "stop and smell the roses"...I do
...then I look at it
...turn the leaves over
...look inside the bush
...feel the soil
...turn over the rock,
...say Hi to the bugs,
...do a few more things,
...then put it all back.

Then I go find something else to be curious about. I like to look at my life as an adventure and the world is a huge gift. I have no idea what I will find next. It could be good or it could be bad, but I always feel the same way.
Just like a boy..;)
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by Samohon »

ScottishBoy wrote:My family originated in Scotland. Even though we havent been back for many generations, my dad says I wear the tartan like I made it myself.
SB, Once a Scot, Allways a Scot...

I take my kilt whereever I go, I love wearing it, very comfortable. I am working in Ukraine at the moment, it was -30 C here. It did not stop me from wearing the plaid. I am a MacEwan form the banks of Loch Awe in Argyll. Being Scottish and having a very turbulent history, I have only one message for all country's of our planet.

It is much easier to talk, than to pick up a sword.

I am very proud of Scotland. There are a lot of nationalities inhabit Old Alba and and have a lot of respect for a person leaving their country, to come to mine. Be that any nationality.

I too never lost my curiosity of my childhood and I think that is inherant in a lot of Scots. I still try to find new routes up the north face of Ben Nevis. Regards... S
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by Kentucky shinner »

Well my name pretty much says it all... My family is from Kentucky, I have decendents from Scotland. My family name was origanally mchaney. but that has been changed. My family is from a small town called Old Kutawa ky. It was flooded by the TVA to make a lake called Barkley lake.
I work in manufacturing, love music I play guitar and write a few songs, love stock car racing and ride harleys.Oh ya and makin a little shine....
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by Samohon »

Kentucky shinner wrote:I have decendents from Scotland. My family name was origanally mchaney.
I have a friend from Glasgow called John Mc Haney. So now I have two friends of the son of (Mc, Mac), Haney...

Hope you got that M.

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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by Kentucky shinner »

Wow that is pretty cool
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by hoochwagon4 »

i got my name from sitting in my shop and someone said "so what you going to do to your hooch wagon?" refering to my truck. so I thought that would be a good name. im going to name my still (once i build it) shirly....cause what comes out will shirly get you f**ked up!
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by GreyGambler »

Well just like most folks on here name says it, been gambling since I was a kid. now that im older "grey" has set in.... except I recently shaved my head on a bet, maybe time to change to baldgambler or slickgambler...probably stick with greygambler
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by solaryellow »

Mine is because I have an affinity for driving yellow junkpiles in places I have no right being.


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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by blanikdog »

blanikdog wrote:Blanik is a type of dual pilot Czech sailplane (glider) which was used as a training aircraft for the USSR airforce. Beautiful to fly and with flaps out in a thermal the height gain is fast and smooth. I loved flying it almost as much as my German built Ka6. Hence the name. blanik

Blaniks have recently been grounded world wide because a wing broke off one during aerobatics training. Both pilots now deceased. Maybe there's an omen there? :)

Simple potstiller. Slow, single run.
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by WalkingWolf »

but O Hell NO!! There will be no grounding of our "Blanik". For our Blanik will forever fly-on in infamy and serve as a beacon of light for all us would be pot stillers strugglin' to get our wings under us. One day, just maybe, all us "would be'z" will make a liquor our mother's could drink and proudly proclaim, 'ma' boy made dis here liquor', alst-the-while we'd have drawn a measure of inspiration from the revered Blanikdog. Raising a glass to ya.
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by hstuurman »

Stupid me, i used my real name. When signing up I was a forum-virgin, and didn't know!

I can't change it, but otherwise it will be Black Sheep, 'cause were the black sheep off socity (except of the Kiwi's) for illegal running.

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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by ammo man »

ammo man was a spur of the moment thing. One of my other hobbies is reloading rifle ammo for customized rifles I build. Well, at least I did customize one rifle. And I did build a 1911 45acp pistol from scratch.

blanikdog, I don't think I have ever mentioned one of my other hobbies that turned into a sideline business. Teaching people to fly. In the USAF I was an electronic instructor, got out, got my degree, and started teaching school. Never even dreamed of flying until one day I discovered a little dirt strip had opened within a 1/2 mile of my house. Well, to make the story short, I earned my Private Pilot's certificate, Commercial, and Instrument rating, and Instructor's certificate, and started teaching people to fly. Then after about 8 years of teaching people to fly, I bought I couple of Cessna 150's and started a flight training school at the little dirt strip where I started flying. Never did quit my day job, and after about 3 years of the flight training school, I gave it up. Too time consuming for the money involved, and I never had anytime for drinking, fishing, or anything but airplanes.

This is bragging I guess, but when I quit I had 50 active students (thank goodness they all did not decide to fly at once), another instructor hired, and 3 other airplanes leased. The big airport's training school had 8 students. Like I said I am bragging, but I am a professional teacher, and I do have a good line of bull ship. Sort of a likeable guy too. :oops:

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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by Mud Mechanik »

2 reasons, During mud riding adventures on ATV's and 4x4 trucks, I was always the one that could make a broke down vehicle run long enough to get us home.

The other reason for the name is that I love the way Popcorn Sutton applies his "Mud" to his copper still and how he explains it, hince the avatar. MM
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by Titus-a-fishus »

Cause cash is always tight

So I have to be tight as a fishes..... and that's watertight

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by ScottishBoy »

Titus-a-fishus wrote:Cause cash is always tight

So I have to be tight as a fishes..... and that's watertight

:lol: :lol: :lol:
So your second choice would have been DucksAss?

I kid, I kid...
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by ScottishBoy »

hstuurman wrote:Stupid me, i used my real name. When signing up I was a forum-virgin, and didn't know!

I can't change it, but otherwise it will be Black Sheep, 'cause were the black sheep off socity (except of the Kiwi's) for illegal running.
The mods could change that for you. Its pretty simple in this setup.
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by Titus-a-fishus »

ScottishBoy wrote:
Titus-a-fishus wrote:Cause cash is always tight

So I have to be tight as a fishes..... and that's watertight

:lol: :lol: :lol:
So your second choice would have been DucksAss?

I kid, I kid...
:lol: :lol: :lol: ..... :shock: :shock:

Ducks arse is more like "giving me the jimmy brits"....
Last edited by Titus-a-fishus on Fri Jul 16, 2010 2:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by ScottishBoy »

Does a bear shit in the wodds?
Is a Duck's Ass water tight?
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by guerrila distilla »

hstuurman wrote:Stupid me, i used my real name. When signing up I was a forum-virgin, and didn't know!

I can't change it, but otherwise it will be Black Sheep, 'cause were the black sheep off socity (except of the Kiwi's) for illegal running.
what's even worse though is you've also put the town you live on your profile. might be a good idea to change that :shock:
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by therealraycharles »

I use my real name. I used to be a famous musician, but then an impostor stole my identity and became a soda pop salesman.
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by hstuurman »

guerrila distilla wrote:
what's even worse though is you've also put the town you live on your profile. might be a good idea to change that :shock:
You mean "de Wadden"? That's not a town, that's the name of a northern district in the Netherlands, six islands and the northcoast off the mainland. Several villages, so hard looking for me.

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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by hstuurman »

therealraycharles wrote:I use my real name. I used to be a famous musician, but then an impostor stole my identity and became a soda pop salesman.
:ebiggrin: :ebiggrin:

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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by Rum Bum »

Isn't it obvious... I like rum :ebiggrin:

I was surprised the name wasn't already taken actually

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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by wildrover »

Irish folk songs got me into enjoying whiskey and eventually making my own, and one song I enjoy singing is the Wild Rover that starts off... "I've played the wild rover for many a years, and I spent all me money on whiskey and beer..."
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by Thorn_veritas »

Thorn = point , sharp , straight

Veritas = latin for truth

so basicly no bullshit straight to the point.
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by aqua vitae »

Wikipedia wrote:Aqua vitae (Latin, "water of life") or aqua vita, is an archaic name for a concentrated aqueous solution of ethanol.
A local translation of aqua vitae was often applied to an important local distilled spirit. This leads to whisky in Scotland (from Gaelic, uisge-beatha), whiskey in Ireland (from Irish, uisce beatha), eau de vie in France, acquavite in Italy, and akvavit in Scandinavia.
I thought it was an appropriate name to use at forums about distillation 8)
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by WeeStiller »

When I was on a distillery tour in Scotland, I showed photos of my copper pot still to the still men at Cardhu Distillery while I worked there one night shift as part of the assignments in the Johnnie Walker Experience 1994. (JW Experience was kind of a Camel Trophy event). The still men said: "that's a nice wee still you have laddie". Hence the name WeeStiller. It also sounds like I pronounce the word 'distiller' with a mouthful of strong liquor.
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by Bushman »

Comes from my nickname given to me by other members of my University Rugby Team. I will leave it at that and your imagination is probably better than how I actually earned the nickname :D
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by lowlife »

A low-life or lowlife is a term for a person who is considered morally unacceptable by their community in general.

I started using the name on forums after listening to the song by kid rock.
"Lowlife (Living The Highlife)"

I got my Cat Scratch Fever eight-track, My best friend's in a gun rack
I'm a lowlife, I owe everybody money
I think racist jokes are funny, I'm a lowlife
I got a dirty mind, a gutter mouth, I'm makin' time, I'm goin' out
With your wife

Cuz I'm a lowlife
I'm a lowlife

I got kids I never seen, And their momma's seventeen
I'm a lowlife, I take strippers out to breakfast
You can add that to my checklist, I'm a lowlife
Ahh the landlord called the rent is due, I spent it all on a Kiss tattoo
I Rock n Roll all night

Cuz I'm a lowlife
I'm a lowlife
I'm a lowlife
Livin' the highlife

I'm watchin' porno on the TV, Wonderin' why she'd ever leave me
I'm a lowlife, The object of my affection
Asked the police for protection, I'm a lowlife
The romance is gone, I'm doin' fine, Me and your mom had a real good time
Just last night

Cuz I'm a lowlife
I'm a lowlife

I make black music for the white man, Keep cocaine upon my nightstand
I'm a lowlife, Ain't never hung out in the Catskills
But I've been to jail in Nashville, I'm a lowlife
I've got a dirty mind, a gutter mouth, I'm makin' time, I'm goin' out
With your wife

I'm a lowlife
I'm a lowlife
I'm a lowlife
Livin' the highlife
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Re: Where'd your name come from??

Post by Bayou-Ruler »

My name is the name sake and title track of a Steve Riley & The Mam0u Playboys album :shock:
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