Hard Apple Cider?

Alcoholic beverages which are not classified as spirits.

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Hard Apple Cider?

Post by Joshs »

I was making some. Thought I would see what I need to do. Haven't tryied it yet. This is a Half gallon.

Half gallion apple juice
1cup white sugar
1 cup brown sugar
Half pack bakers yeast

It has been a week and a Half and it has almost stoped bubbling. What Do I need to do next? Strain and let set another week or two or or bottle it now?
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Re: Hard Apple Cider?

Post by WalkingWolf »

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Re: Hard Apple Cider?

Post by rubber duck »

DON"T strain it. If you strain it you will introduce oxygen, this will oxidize you cider and ruin it. What you need to do is siphon it into the bottles,(this is hard to do) or invest in a bottling bucket. Keep your siphon off the yeast bed. If you want the cider to be carbonated you will need to add some sugar to the bottles but not to much or it will explode. I don't know how much per bottle as I my sugar to the bottle bucket and do it all at once.

You should really let it clear for a couple of weeks to let the yeast and suspended solids settle out before you bottle. Putting it in the fridge will speed up the clearing proses.
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Re: Hard Apple Cider?

Post by WalkingWolf »

Here is a snippet by Samohon from another thread. Here is the part that pertains to priming sugar.
Samohon wrote: . . . Instead I primed the sterile bottle with ¼ tsp of brewers priming sugar and then capped... This method always gave me a great head on my beers when poured... I also left the bottles for a minimum of 5-6 weeks...
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Re: Hard Apple Cider?

Post by cidermaker »

If making sparkling cider I normally prime 2 liter plastic pop bottles with 3-4 teaspoons of granulated sugar depending on how dry the cider is. I normally make enough sugar syrup to do all the bottles at one go. The syrup mixes in more easily than the sugar. Syphon the cider into the bottles bringing a "paint layer" of lees though add sugar and put in a warm place for a few days until the bottles are hard, then put in a cool place for as long I can wait.
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Re: Hard Apple Cider?

Post by cidermaker »

If you are intending to distill it at some point then dont bother turning it into sparkling cider just bottle and keep cool.
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Ethyl Corp
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Re: Hard Apple Cider?

Post by Ethyl Corp »

If you haven't stumbled upon it already, Google "Edwort's Apfelwein." It's a really popular recipe on Homebrew Talk. All you would need to do is cut the ingredients to 1/5 and/or experiment with substitutes if you feel adventurous. I think it's even easier to make than beer, but like a typical wine, it requires some time alone to reach full potential. I have some that's still "green" with only about a month of carbing in the bottle and it's already pretty decent. Not so great morning after, though.

EDIT: Actually, the second result Google returns is a topic in this very forum. :egeek:
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