Ok I decided to take it to another level. And try my hand at AG. I decide to use an all wheat grain bill. I'm going for a 10 to 12 gallon ferment. But my equipment for cooking is not that big so I cut the cooking in half. I cooked the first half tonight. Second half will be tomorrow night. On to the recipe.
5/6 gallon batch
6 gallons water
8 lbs Wheat flakes.
2.5 lbs White wheat malt.
2 tsp Gypsum.
Crosby & Baker DADY yeast.
I added 6 gallons of water to my what I thought was a 40 qt stock pot. It turns out its only 32 qt.

Anyway I pulled 2 gallons back out. I added the gypsum and heated it to 170 f. cut the heat. Added the flaked wheat. Temp dropped to 159 f. I stirred it every 5 minutes till temp hit 155 f. I had to add about a gallon of the water I took out earlier. I had warmed it up to just in case. 4 gallons just wasn't enough for that much flaked wheat. When temp hit 155 f I added the malt. Stirred it every 15 minutes or so. Temp dropped a little faster then I wanted. So I turned the burner back on low and I added some more of the still hot water I took out earlier. Brought the temp back up a little. I let it rest for 120 minutes. Did an iodine test. What you know I got good conversion. I poured it through my straining bag. Rung it out the best I could. Ended up with about 4.5 gallons. Book a sample for the hydrometer. It was still hot and I got a reading of 1.050 SG. So I let it set out and cool. It's sitting at 70 f now and says 1.60 SG. I put the sweet juice in a bucket and put the lid on it. When I get tommaros book done I will add them to my big fermenter and airate with an air stone and pitch the yeast.
I would say for my first time. I did pretty good. I want to thank Dnderhead and Big R. Without their help I would have been lost. And to the forum where I have learned so much.
Oh forgot to add. I will be rinsing the grain with fresh water for tommaros cook.