jace wrote:. I'm just a little confused because the OP instructions says to collect 80 down to 70% as drinkable on the second run and the best I'm getting is 65%.
Drauka99 wrote:Just ran Gen 1 of UJSSM, ended up with about 1 gallon total off a 6 gallon wash.(to be mixed in with the second run once it ferments)
Sounds to me like you guys are cornfused about the second runs. By second runs it was ment as a spirit run. Where you take the low wines from your run. Dilute it to 40% or below and run it a second time. Or as Odin stated combine the low wines from multiple generations and do a bigger spirit run. Not adding it to the second generation and running it. Not that this way won't work. But you would probably need to do 3 or 4 generations. And add all of the low wines from each run to your 4th or 5th generation run. To get those higher ABV numbers. By doing it this way you would get more flavor then doing 2 runs on the same generation. But I say just experiment away. Find what works for you. You mite like it better? You won't know till you try.