New to distillation, or simply new to the HD forums.
** Your first post MUST go here. Introduce yourself and tell us a bit about your interest in distilling. Any posts asking distilling questions will be deleted. **
What's good all? I just joined the forum a couple days ago but I've been reading the site for about a week. I live in Jersey and I've always had an interest in distilling when I was younger up until my mom told me I might "go blind or poison myself." But for some reason or another just recently I decided to delve into my interests of distilling once again and that led me to purchase the books Professional Guides for the amateur distiller, the home distillers workbook, the Alaskan bootleggers bible, and some book that is supposed to teach the home distiller how to design customized/unique liqueur recipes (I forget the title). I also keep a spiral notebook full of notes from all of these books as I have read each one a couple of times. I like to cross reference info. I also have a knack for understanding and following recipes and once I get a good understanding, I can just freestyle and make up my own thing. I do that a lot with cooking and I have friends begging me to cater parties or just to come over and make dinner lol. At any rate, I'm a nurse by profession and I intend on getting a doctorate in my field of study. If I'm not reading I'm drawing. If I'm not drawing I'm reading or just living life. I could go on but my intro is already long as hell lol
You just found the best book to learn from. Best part is it talks back to you.
So if your about to do something you shouldn't. Someone will point it out. Kinda like your tea pot idea? Whatever book that was in use it last as a reference tool.
Yes reading is a must and I will surely be referring to the site and most definitely the forum before I do anything drastic especially with tea kettles lol