This is a pot still, correct?
So far I have been trying to make a neutral spirit to flavour into bourbon primarily but occassionally I make some butterscotch schnapps and some southern comfort, well try to anyway using one of the much maligned "turbo" yest washes.
The schnapps worked out not too bad at 20% but the bourbon and southo had quite an odour to it, well the base spirit had quite an odour somewhat like metho but not as strong.
So I have been reading the FAQ's for beginners and there is a lot to go through but one thing I didn't notice was two things with a 20l still how much volume of decent alcohol and at what % can I expect from it and how long would it normally need to run for?
It also mentioned for a pot still that for a neutral spririt to double distill it so is that simply refilling the still with the output of the first run back in on its own or do I add water to increase the volume again?
Does the "better" recipes than the "turbo" washes also require double distilling with this style of still for a neutral?
IS double distilling required for a straight bourbon recipe as well?
Please be nice...

Cheers, JJ