3"boka packing

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3"boka packing

Post by Sloanick »

I am just finishing up my 60" tall (plus condenser) 3"wide boka.
Where is the best place to order packing?
I was looking at smileys but I also wasn't sure how much I would need seeing that most information is for 2"columns
any help would be great.
Also has anyone had any experience with a 3/8 take off needle valve?
I chose 3/8 so I can do striping runs.

yes I know they have lead. I will pickle.
I was thinking of modifying it by filling in the hollow needle. I read that on another post. I think it was by rad... I could be wrong though.
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Re: 3"boka packing

Post by Sloanick »

26 views and no advice? :(
I called smily's and left a message but they haven't gotten back to me.
if anyone has packed a 3" column and knows a good supplier i would love to know about it ;)
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Re: 3"boka packing

Post by Prairiepiss »

Try mile high. They sell packing. And 3" stills. So mike mite be able to help you out.

I've never packed a 3" so I can't help you there. And I just use Scrubbys I buy at wallgreens.

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Re: 3"boka packing

Post by Sloanick »

Thanks! I will check them out!
I tried using my scrubbys from my old still lol not a chance
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Re: 3"boka packing

Post by Sloanick »

for you folks in the U.S. you can get pest control copper mesh pretty cheap! I could get it too but shipping is over $100!!! :shock: anyway it is free for you guys so have at it.
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Re: 3"boka packing

Post by rubber duck »

You could try lava rocks, MR has been having a lot of success with them. The worst that could happen is it doesn't work for you and your out 5 dollars.
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Re: 3"boka packing

Post by Sloanick »

rubber duck wrote:You could try lava rocks, MR has been having a lot of success with them. The worst that could happen is it doesn't work for you and your out 5 dollars.
WOW thanks! Just read the whole thread! skimmed a bit but got everything i could about lava rocks.
So long story short. They are safe, and work great in a 4" column

They are safe right?

I am going to try them in my 3"

VERY helpful! you saved me 70 bucks my friend
moe fishwater
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Re: 3"boka packing

Post by moe fishwater »

I know I'm coming in late on this, but I thought I would share. This is where I found very affordable copper mesh. It's used for rodent proofing houses. http://www.pestmall.com/search.php?keyw ... b81399fd1f" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow
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Re: 3"boka packing

Post by Sloanick »

moe fishwater wrote:I know I'm coming in late on this, but I thought I would share. This is where I found very affordable copper mesh. It's used for rodent proofing houses. http://www.pestmall.com/search.php?keyw ... b81399fd1f" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow
yes I was very excited when i found this! but quickly disappointed when i saw the shipping price to canada :cry:

lava rock is working great just so ya all know!
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Re: 3"boka packing

Post by rubber duck »

Ya they're not bad at all are they? It's the cheapest and easiest way to pull 95%+ I've found.

Two questions, are you breaking them up into smaller rocks or are you just using them as they come in the bag? What's your approximate run speed and abv?
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Re: 3"boka packing

Post by sambedded »

I've read reports about using ceramics rings for aquarium filters. Like this one - http://www.amazon.com/Hagen-Fluval-Pref ... B006C8H24G" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow. Some peoples claims that this media much better than cooper/stainless scrubbers, others said it works similar to scrubbers. Any way - I'm going to try and you can buy this stuff at any petstore.
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Re: 3"boka packing

Post by Sloanick »

rubber duck wrote:Ya they're not bad at all are they? It's the cheapest and easiest way to pull 95%+ I've found.

Two questions, are you breaking them up into smaller rocks or are you just using them as they come in the bag? What's your approximate run speed and abv?
I am just using them as they came with a centring ring half way down a 60" column (plus condenser & plates)

I have to admit I am very new and poor so I'm saving up to build my parrot, and a good thermometer.

I took the first 300ml off slow! like a drip a second. then I got sick of waiting and playing with the still (my water pressure is up and down making it very hard to keep the output warm/hot without vapours escaping) then I kicked it up to a dribble for the whole run kicking out 3L at 96percent (hydrometer is probably a bit high, and yes i'm bring the temp down)
I could not detect heads! I used to be able to smell them so easy on my old PM/CM still and i could smell them in the foreshots (300ml of a 40l wash)
maybe wineo's plane old sugar wash just doesn't put out too much heads...
even at a dribble this was a 7 hr run though...
Maybe i couldn't smell heads because I had to clean the kitchen up and didn't let it air for 24hrs too... (i have to unplug the stove to run my still lol)
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