Sloanick wrote:
I just use the 2 hot wires and the neutral is not used correct?
is the larger prong on a standard plug the hot wire?
Yes, just two hot wires, but you should check if they a connected to different phases , otherwise you get 0 volt.
So just connect a voltmeter to live wires if you get 0v try one live wire from another breaker till you get 240.
Live vire is a smallest prong.
But as it was said you have only 15A, so you should limit your load by 3500W ( replace heater) . You can try to use an existing heater and limit power by controller. But you can easily get you breaker to engage. It's not dangerous, but very inconvenient.
However you should clearly understand what are you doing. All that stuff is not extremely dangerous, but dangerous inough so you still have a chance to electrocute yourself.
Spend some time reading about electricity and wiring before start. Pay attention to grounding.
And when you done - never let professional electrician to get in. You will be humiliated.