Ujsm: why not ferment longer

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Ujsm: why not ferment longer

Post by Sloanick »

After 3 to 4 days there is still a lot of sugar left in my wash (not that I bother using my hydrometer... Just taste)
Seemes like a waste when I throw out the sweet backset that I don't add to the fermenter.
Can I let it sit for 6 days instead(maybe even till it gets dry)? Or is there a flavor thing that I would be wrecking?
Yes I know I am a cheap bastard... But hey! Thats what inspired this great hobby!
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Re: Ujsm: why not ferment longer

Post by Dnderhead »

sounds like a stalled ferment for whatever reason.. too cold?,,to hot?,,to much sugar?,,,,
not enough nutrients?,,, bad yeast?,,
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Re: Ujsm: why not ferment longer

Post by Prairiepiss »

Why are you not letting it finish fermenting?

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Re: Ujsm: why not ferment longer

Post by Samohon »

As Dnderhead says, seem like you have a ferment that has stalled.
Using a hydrometer would certainly have showed this to be prooved.

As PrariePiss also indicated, leave it to ferment. Check your temps.
How much sugar did you add and what size in gal/liters, is the batch.

If its sweet, then leave it to do its thing, but check the items that Dnderhead has indicated.

Hope it helps...
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Re: Ujsm: why not ferment longer

Post by Sloanick »

Its warm in my place and its bubbling away nicely. Uj says to run it after 3 to 4 days.
25l fermenter.
I'm getting good results just wondering if I should let it dry right up like I do with my sugar wash, so not to waste any sugar.
Using fresh bakers yeast no problem with fermenting.
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Re: Ujsm: why not ferment longer

Post by Prairiepiss »

No you should let it finish. 3 to 4 days is what it takes for his to finish. Yours could take anywhere from 3 days to 2 weeks. Then you need to let it clear a bit. I do two days. But that is me.

Yes not letting it finish is a waste of sugar, money, and time. And could be imparting odd flavors from the unfermented sugar and suspended solids that you didn't let clear.

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Re: Ujsm: why not ferment longer

Post by Sloanick »

2 days! Mine would probably take 10 days!
Here I thought it was fermenting fast! :oops:

Do you add yeast nutrient flakes, and citric acid, and keep it warmer than room temp?
Maybe I should seriously upgrade to a distillers yeast...

I wanted to stay true to the recipe but I better do something different.

I will throw the hydrometer in next time to check the gravity

Out of 40l of wash in the still I got just over half a gallon at 94% making slightly greedy cuts.
Does that seem low?
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Re: Ujsm: why not ferment longer

Post by Boda Getta »

To reiterate what some of the guys said: There is no set time for a ferment to be finished, there are way too many variables. Mine has taken anywhere to 5 days to 10 days. I would suggest you always take hydrometer reading. My UJSSM usually start around 1.07-9 and finishes at .99-8. If at some point you feel it may have stalled and the reading is above 1.00 you may have a stalled ferment, but that can often be fixed. Check the ph level and adjust to correct, you may need to find a way to add a little heat or even to bump it with some fresh yeast. Never give up on a wash, Usually a marginal wash is sill worth running and maybe re-run if needed.
Good luck,

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Re: Ujsm: why not ferment longer

Post by Durace11 »

I think it's been said elsewhere but I'll just chime in here, get a few more fermenting buckets and get a pipleline going so you aren't running anything too soon. I leave most of my ferments for 2-4 weeks, sometimes I rack it after 2 weeks to help it clear and sometimes I don't. There is no reason to rush it.

Fast = bad & clear = good IMO. I would never know if my ferments could even finish in a few days because I never look at them until at least 2 weeks. Peeking is just another way to get an infection.

Still safe!
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Re: Ujsm: why not ferment longer

Post by King Of Hearts »

To be done in 3-4 days you need 90-93'f and all other parameters in line, ph, nutient level, yeast pitching rate and a good mash sugar level. It can be done. "Warm" doesn't tell us anything. Could be 70'f, could be 85'f. I sometimes let it go two weeks and let it clear another two weeks, then rack off the sediment.
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Re: Ujsm: why not ferment longer

Post by Sloanick »

Thanks guys! This is good to know!
I swear I had read stuff about not being able to keep a wash longer than a week and the only reason you can with beer is because of the hops. Anyway this makes much more sense!
Im going to work on my ph levels and everything

By warm I mean 24c

Mr piss I would love to know how you get such great results! sounds like you have found the perfect formula.

I will have to do some research on ph and temps and sugar amount for ujsm. Is it all in the recipe thread?
Anyone have a good link handy?
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Re: Ujsm: why not ferment longer

Post by ipee7ABV »

Sloanick wrote:Thanks guys! This is good to know!
I swear I had read stuff about not being able to keep a wash longer than a week and the only reason you can with beer is because of the hops. Anyway this makes much more sense!
Im going to work on my ph levels and everything

By warm I mean 24c

Mr piss I would love to know how you get such great results! sounds like you have found the perfect formula.

I will have to do some research on ph and temps and sugar amount for ujsm. Is it all in the recipe thread?
Anyone have a good link handy?
when he says 2 days he means he lets it ferment to dry4-14 days. then racks to clear for 2 days
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Re: Ujsm: why not ferment longer

Post by Prairiepiss »

Yes that is what I ment.

My ferments are pretty consistent. 3 to 5 days. Depending on the recipe. But they are almost always ready to run in 7 days. Which means primary fermentation is done by day 5 and I let it sit for at least 2 days to clear. There have been a few exceptions. Problems with yeast, temp changes, Bla Bla Bla. My all brans take 3 to 4 days. A UJSSM or sweetfeed goes 4 to 5 days. The wines I have done all finished primary in 5 days. My rum took 4 days.

I have noticed a pattern. Most members. I will say that again. Most members have either a ferment that is ready in one week or it is ready in 2 weeks. And they get a pretty consistent timeframe. Either one week or two on a regular bases. Not sure why one person would get one and the next person get two weeks on the same recipe. But they do. Environmental, temps, altitude, barometer readings, or their dog licked it. I don't know? But if you read enough and watch who posts what. You will see the pattern too. Or maybe I'm just weird that way. :crazy:

The point is. You need to let the wash finish. No bubbles and an SG near 1.000. Or whatever is a good finish SG for that type of recipe. Then let it clear for two days. (that's really optional) some run it dirty some like it supper clear. That's up to you. Some also move it to a cooler place. To aid in the natural clearing.

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