I'm building a HERMS (Heat Exchanger Recirculating Mash System) Brewing system. For both homebrew beer and AG mashes for distilling. It will consist of three kegs with the tops cut out. All will have 3/4" drains through the bottom. I have added 3/8" t's as low as I can get them in the sides for level gauges and future temp probes. They all have a 3/8" coupler welded in as close to the top as I can get them. These will be fill ports and sparge arm connections for the MLT. I welded in a 3/4" half coupler in each of them up front for dial thermometers. Little over kill for the size of fitting. But it is what I had. There will be valves and male QD fittings on all ports used for liquid transfer.
First tank is the HLT (Hot Liquor Tank) It will have a 40 foot coil of 1/2" SS tubing for the heat exchanger in it. Will be fired with a 5500w element. Temps will be controlled by a PID. I've welded a 1" coupler in pretty low for the element mount.
Second tank is the MLT (Mash Lauter Tun) It has a false bottom. I found it cheaper and easier to buy a premade one. It's 11" in diameter and is raised up in the middle. And flared around the outside to fit the contour of the keg. It's normally installed with a drain tube coming from the side of the keg down through the top of it. I went a different route because of my bottom drains. I made a standoff to fit over the drain that I can secure the false bottom to.
Third tank is the BT (Boil Tank) it too has a false bottom just like the MLT. And also has a 5500w element in it like the HLT.
I know I'm forgetting something. But it will come up as I go through the build.
Some of you mite remember I had made a MLT out of a ice cube cooler. I decided to go ahead and make one out of a keg. And I think I will gift that one to a brewing buddy.
I had already built my stand a while back. It's made out of pallets I got from work. And I made it so the hight of the kegs would be where I could stand flat footed and reach the bottom of the keg. Without bending over. And a shelf under it for mounting the march pumps on and the counterflow wort chiller.
My plans were made following the plans found on this website. http://theelectricbrewery.com/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow All I have done is change things a bit to utilize materials available to me. And better ideas I think will work? Like the bottom drains. I have always hated cleaning out my still boiler with the side drain. What a pita.
Warning my welds are ugly. But are stainless just done with a MIG. Again because that's what's available to me. And I don't do it enough.

Here are some pics of the brew stand when I built it. You will see the two kegs and the cooler MLT in these pics.