First run with my homemade milk can still

Many like to post about a first successful ferment (or first all grain mash), or first still built/bought or first good run of the still. Tell us about all of these great times here.
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First run with my homemade milk can still

Post by Hyko »

Did my first run ever, it was about 4 gal of ujssm that had been sitting for around 2 months because I severely misjudged when my still would be ready to run (learned a lesson: never start a ferment if you don't know exactly when you're going to be able to run it). Well I finally got it ready to run, and decided to run the old mash even though the smell had changed since way back when it was fermenting (I did check for mold, however, there was none). I collected in separate jars, but didn't really make cuts, just sat there tasting every so often to gain some feel for it. It went from really harsh and sharp to slightly sweeter and then just started tasting weird. I wouldn't drink any of it myself. In the picture you can kind of see that the first jar is the only one that's not cloudy, which I think means I had it too hot, right? I have a 2nd batch fermenting now and I think I'm going to strip that batch, and put that product and this product in and do a second distillation and try to keep it slow so I can get some good, high ABV product.

Was it a bad idea to run such an old mash? should I just toss it to avoid contaminating this next batch? Also, I did two cleaning runs before with just water, but there was still very tiny flakes of copper left in my product, should I filter it, toss it, or redistill it to get rid of these flakes? These flakes are muuuch smaller than the ones that came out during the cleaning run, so I'm hoping that eventually I will get stuff with no copper flakes in it.

From left to right is the order they came out of the still. I tossed the first half pint, and the first jar has about 1.5 pints in it. The ABV of the jars are 50, 45, 35, 25, 19, and 10 from left to right. After sitting out in the open for a couple of days they appear to have gotten cloudier (than in this picture).
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Re: First run with my homemade milk can still

Post by WalkingWolf »

Hyko wrote: Was it a bad idea to run such an old mash? should I just toss it to avoid contaminating this next batch?
No. I've run mash that has set under and airlock for over 10 months. As long as it don't smell like vinegar when you open it it should be fine. No don't toss it.

I'd recommend you mix them all back together and run it again (you could use the practice). First take you out a couple shots from the middle jar and enjoy yourself a stiff one.

best of luck to ya
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Re: First run with my homemade milk can still

Post by dakotasnake »

1st off did ya do the cleaning runs? if not it should be dunn. i use a 10 gal. milk can for a boiler, thet work great. i got 6 of them at auction awhile back so i got backup boilers.
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Re: First run with my homemade milk can still

Post by Bushman »

If you read the instructions on UJ you should have saved the backset for your second run and also saved your product to rerun in the next batch. I also did what Walking Wolf suggests and take a bit out of the middle to have now. Also you need to learn by collecting in smaller containers so you don't smear your heads, hearts, and tails. Later you can blend some of the early tails in with the hearts for flavor but now it is really important for you to learn the process. We all had to pay our dues and the good news is your on the right track. :D
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Re: First run with my homemade milk can still

Post by Hyko »

Thanks guys. Yes i did save about 1.25 gal of backset for this next batch, and it sure smells great. Also yes I did do cleaning runs. Can anyone suggest where I can get lots of small collection containers? Should I go to a thrift store and get a bunch of shot glasses? or not quite that small?
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Re: First run with my homemade milk can still

Post by Roundyround »

I use exactly what you have in the picture, just 1/2 or 1/4 full. That way when... not if, you scale up, you won't have to repurchase glassware.
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Re: First run with my homemade milk can still

Post by BoomTown »

I had those 'first run' questions too.

After a lot of trial and error, I finally broke down and bought a flat of (12) 1/2 pint and a flat of 1 pint Ball jars. As it turns out, I again over spent because what I do now, after I've learning the rhythm of Lil Pauncho (my 10 gal SS Wine can still), I simply tickle the ol iPhone to give me a old car horn alert every 20 minutes using an app. That time frame results in about 400 ml per period, per pint jar. Lil Pauncho has a slightly higher yield rate early in the cycle but drops off a little as the ABV of the mash drops in the pot. The taste breaks in the runs are usually pretty clear, and the first pint runs out at about 70% abv, and I cut the run off when ABV drops down to 25%. The smells are isolated too, and I think I'm beginning to get a feel (or rather smell) for when the fients/head fade out and the tails fade in. That makes my life a lot easier.

I too usually measure each jar for ABV, and keep pints 3 and 4 out because it's usually about 90 to 110 proof and tastes pretty good. Collecting the rest, (I'm getting 6 or 8 pints out of 5 gallons of mash) into a 2 gallon bottle (from TJX for $4), I'll make a spirit run once it gets full. The big jug usually holds ABV of about 80 proof, and I like to drain out about half of the backwash on the last run, then add the 'beer run' back into the backwash, hoping to take advantage of the accumulated congenors (sp) that have accumulated in the Spirit Run. The ABV of the Spirit Runs usually come out at about 160 proof, but I find that to be a little too much, it 'blows my head off' and leaves my mouth tasting like I've been eating dry cactus. After I cut the output of the Spirit back to ABV 100 proof, it tastes very good, so I slip a little oak into it, and tuck it back behind the TV set in the BR where the temperature gets warmer and then cooler every day. The bottles color up pretty fast, and what I've tested keeps changing it's taste pretty fast too.

So that's how its done here in Boom Town.
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Re: First run with my homemade milk can still

Post by Durace11 »

Hyko wrote:Thanks guys. Yes i did save about 1.25 gal of backset for this next batch, and it sure smells great. Also yes I did do cleaning runs. Can anyone suggest where I can get lots of small collection containers? Should I go to a thrift store and get a bunch of shot glasses? or not quite that small?
I use beer bottles because I have plenty around from homebrewing, you can always fill them only half full if you want to not collect a full 12 oz.(300ml). I typically try to go about 250ml each one before I switch bottles and since I have some bottles I can't re-cap(due to them having a crappy neck) I just keep them numbered and in a box and wash them out with water before each run. Screw off bottles are perfect for this!

I also found a great deal on a bunch of 100ml perfume bottles that I have used in the past but I pretty much hav emy process nailed down now so those are just sitting around for sample jars.
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Re: First run with my homemade milk can still

Post by Maltbar »

Get yourself to your local Ace Hardware, they have these cases of 10/12 250mL Mason type jars for $9.99. Ive been taking 10 fractions per run and the results have been superb. W/ten jars Im able to make better cuts according to the spirit that Im making at the time. For me Ive found that different spirits dictate differing cuts.
but its ALL Good!! What I have done is always redistill unwanted cuts into my next distillation and get real nice flavours that usually put me somewhere between 55 and 67%AbV. Like the thread says, unless you have a viniger smell, you're fine. Double or Triple distillations albeit time consuming will really give you a smoother higher % which in turn gives you wider spectum of flavours!
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Re: First run with my homemade milk can still

Post by JrShiner »

I need to move to pint jars instead of quart jars... make my output look bigger! :D
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Re: First run with my homemade milk can still

Post by Maltbar »

You dont need to make it "look" bigger my good man, you just need more fractions to make your desied cuts. Blending is easily 'Half the Game' so go slow, take a separate 250mL Mason jar and seperate those greater cuts spoonful at a time into that jar. When you find "your taste" annotate the dilutions in your notebook(for future reference) and continue along that line. Always taking time out to sample your blend. The whole secret in my humble opinion are the "cuts" and the blending of those cuts!! This is if you would like a personalized spirit, one that reflects your nature. One that your nose/palette can recall those smells and tastse from your childhood...thats why they say whiskey has emotional ties to your youth. Thats another story but yea its all in the "cut" be it 5, 7, or for me 10 diffetent fractions. Good luck and remember its a journey!! So enjoy the ride!

and above all. Enjoy the Journey'
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