Unsure, Need Advice

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Unsure, Need Advice

Post by DreamBandit »

IF this is not the correct place to post this please advise or feel free to move it.

Well, here I am again, seeking advice, I just hope that One Day, I am in a position to return the favor..

As a relative Newby I find myself in a bit of a quandary, I have had a look and cannot find anything that sorts this out for me…
So, Once again I need the advice of people that KNOW what they are doing...

If you were going to use a recipe you were given and you went to you Local Friendly Brew Shop and showed them, (to get needed supplies) and they substantially changed it, how do I know which is better of the following....

#1/..Recipe is as follows; QUARTERED ALL QUANTIES to suit my boiler
...10 kg cracked maize
...2 kg liquid malt extract
...2 kg pale malt powder
...22 kg sugar
...1 pouch Alcotec turbo yeast
...Water to make 100 lt (inclusive of above ingredients)

Fill fermenter with 50 lt hot water.
Add sugar, malt extract, malt powder and maize. Stir until sugar dissolved.
Add cool water to fill up to 100 lt mark (will be less than 50 more lt as dry ingredients displace water)
When mash is approx body temp cast your yeast over the top and stir well.
Mash will be rich brown colour.
Seal the fermenter ( use an airlock.)
Wait approx 10 - 14 days depending on ambient temp.
Mash is ready when it has gone a lighter colour,
has no sweet taste and is non reactive (no foaming response) to added sugar.
Strain grain out and run through still.
Age and enjoy!
Obviously you will have to adjust this recipe to suit your still and fermenter size. (DONE)

Recipe #2/.
(Given me/changed by BrewShop:)

11 Lt Water to 75 Deg:
Line boiler with bag
Add Malt(Grain) & Maize,Stir every 15 min for 1.5 hr’s Need Temp @ 64-69 deg:
Drain bag, Bring back to boil for 15 min (to stabilize)
Add Malt Powder & Sugar/Dextrose to fermenter
Drain hot liquid into fermenter and stir to dissolve
Top up to 25 lt filtered water
Add yeast at 30 deg:
Stir Vigorously,
Ferment for 3-4 weeks.

ANY Advice would be appreciated

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Re: Unsure, Need Advice

Post by NcHooch »

the recipe appears to be nothing more than a Uncle Jesse's recipe with liquid and dry malt extract added .

I question method #2 because of this line:
Add Malt(Grain) & Maize,Stir every 15 min for 1.5 hr’s Need Temp @ 64-69 deg:
I see no malt in the grain bill that would make it necessary to mash (?) at 65 deg for 1.5 hrs.

I'm sorry, but did they change ingredients? ....or just the method?

Honestly, I think you should start with a recipe out of the tried n true recipes .....ya cant go wrong there. :wink:
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Re: Unsure, Need Advice

Post by DreamBandit »

NcHooch wrote: I'm sorry, but did they change ingredients? ....or just the method?
Thanks for the reply, The guy at the Brew Shop Changed the lot..(any thoughts as to his "reasoning" ??) :econfused:

I do NOT know enough (yet) to go changing Anything..
Any further advice will be taken as enhancing the Learning Curve I am enjoying out of Home Distiller

I think I will go with your advice and go find one in Tried & True Can't Possibly go wrong there .. :thumbup:

Again Thanks

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Re: Unsure, Need Advice

Post by Stainless »

Hi Old fossil/dream bandit, dont know much about using grains and stuff, but 1st thing
Sorry if you think i.m shouting, I'm not,,there will be many more here who will shout about it,again, sorry, just tryin to prevent you get grief,
Use a tried and true recipe for your first goes at this, do a simple sugar wash, try BW or Wineos ,,I can personally vouch for Rads all bran. The guy at the shop is profit motivated. take care and enjoy this site, loads of great stuff here
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Re: Unsure, Need Advice

Post by NcHooch »

DreamBandit wrote:
NcHooch wrote: I'm sorry, but did they change ingredients? ....or just the method?
Thanks for the reply, The guy at the Brew Shop Changed the lot..(any thoughts as to his "reasoning" ??) :econfused:
My eyes aren't as good as they used to me , but I don't see any ingredients listed for method 2.
...or am I reading this wrong?
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Re: Unsure, Need Advice

Post by DreamBandit »

NcHooch wrote: My eyes aren't as good as they used to me , but I don't see any ingredients listed for method 2.
...or am I reading this wrong?
Recipe #2 is to be used with the same ingredients in #1, in that you Remove Liquid Malt Extract and replace with Distilling Malt,
and instead of Cracked Maize he has replaced that with equal amounts of Flaked Maize and a Malt Grain.
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Re: Unsure, Need Advice

Post by DreamBandit »

Stainless wrote:
Sorry if you think i.m shouting, I'm not,
Sorry if you think i.m shouting, I'm not,... (I Don't:)

Going thru Tried & True tonite Will advise you guys on what I decide.
Ta Muchly.
Andy Capp
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Re: Unsure, Need Advice

Post by Andy Capp »

Do yourself a big favour and start with UJSSM recipe from tried and true. You won't regret it. :D
Also be carefull around those friendly brew shop guys. I have one close by that would rat on his mother if she made her own still. :shock:
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Re: Unsure, Need Advice

Post by NcHooch »

DreamBandit wrote:
Recipe #2 is to be used with the same ingredients in #1, in that you Remove Liquid Malt Extract and replace with Distilling Malt,
and instead of Cracked Maize he has replaced that with equal amounts of Flaked Maize and a Malt Grain.
OK, so now that we have the facts on the table, the guy at the brew shop converted your pseudo-partial-mash recipe to a real partial-mash recipe. I suspect you wouldn't notice much of a difference (between the two) though, because the large percentage of regular sugar, and the turbo yeast . If you ditch the turbo, or just use 1/3 of the package, and reduce the sugar, you'd prolly end up with an OK product.

here's another partial-mash thread that has a more desirable grain to sugar ratio. http://homedistiller.org/forum/viewtopi ... 8#p6990599
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Re: Unsure, Need Advice

Post by Prairiepiss »

My advice go find the UJSSM recipe. It can be found in the tried and true recipe section. Use it to learn what you are doing. Ditch the turbo yeast. Or as NC said use only a 3rd of it. KISS method should be utilized when starting out.

Advice For newbies by a newbie.
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Re: Unsure, Need Advice

Post by DreamBandit »

Well, i tried the modified version.. O.K., So THAT was a No No from the start..
Went on to the "Original" recipe,then, as suggested in HD, had a look at UJSSM, ..
YEP, decides me, THAT be the best way to go as a Start Up/Learning Exercise...
After a bit of a hold up, It seems to be going along quite nicely Thank You ! :):) ...

Thanks Once More to all that have put in their 2 cents to sort me out,
you have No idea how grateful I am for the advice & assistance..

Best Regards You Lot..
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Re: Unsure, Need Advice

Post by DuckofDeath »

UJSSM is simple and produces a very tasty likker :)
Remember it gets better with each batch. Until your lacto infection takes place it smells kinda nasty, don't let that freak you out at first. After the Lacto takes hold it smells wonderful
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