There has been a new forum added. It is a child of the classified forum.
So HD / Other Information / Classified Ads / Deal of the week
is where it is at.
This forum is for posting GOOD deals you stumble across. Not simply excess material you have, that you would like to unload, or if you are looking for something (which is what the classified section is for) This would be for things like you stumble across a winery that has a dozen used barrels they are selling cheap, some flea-bay vendor that has half a dozen 3' lengths of 4", etc, etc.
This forum is moderated. That means when you post, the post will not appear right away. Be patient, if the post follows the rules it WILL appear shortly. A moderator will have to OK the post. Also, since it is moderated, please do not post followup's unless the reply is really needed (such as the deal changed). Posts will auto prune (auto age off and be deleted) after 2 weeks.
This forum is 100% NOT for commercial vendors to plug their wares, nor is it for some straw man user to post for commercial vendors. Such usage will be handled in a not too nice manner.
Deal of the Week (new forum)
Moderator: Site Moderator
Forum rules
Post 'good deals' you find. Commercial users posting plugs for their own wares are NOT allowed. Commercial users using straw men to post plugs for their wares is NOT allowed
Post 'good deals' you find. Commercial users posting plugs for their own wares are NOT allowed. Commercial users using straw men to post plugs for their wares is NOT allowed
- Husker
- retired
- Posts: 5031
- Joined: Thu Aug 17, 2006 1:04 pm
Deal of the Week (new forum)
Hillbilly Rebel: Unless you are one of the people on this site who are legalling distilling, keep a low profile, don't tell, don't sell.