sweetfeed whisky

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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Still Water »

Prairiepiss wrote:There are calculators on the parent site. That will help you figure SG of sugar washes. Just keep on mind the grains take up some volume.
I've used the calculators thanks, just thought you might have remembered the amount since you already did it.
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by tortoise »

MGofPickens wrote:What I did regarding the grain amount, because I also did 15 gallons, was put it in the 5 gallon like the recipe called for, but just did it three times and measured that so in the future I'll know how much for 15. I put enough sugar for 1.065. My second Gen I don't know the sg because I added a gallon of molasses.
I didn't get my batch started yesterday as planned and am heating up my water as I type. I noticed your comment about the molasses and wanted to know if you could discern an appreciable difference in the finale taste. I'm using a pot still and thump-er that should be finish built by the time this mash is ready. My first run... I took some pictures of the Weevils and i'll post it soon... please let me know if you think some extra molasses improves the flavor.... thank you.

Edit as of 2pm pmt... Just put the lid on the bucket. Beginning S pg is 1.075. I used about 7 1/2 lbs sugar, 1 24 oz bottle of molasses and 4 inch's of sweet feed with protein... see the pic's. A good friend talked me into slowly simmering the grain for 1 hour at 150 degrees. Everything came together smelling almost like whiskey right off. Nice sweet taste too. I'm building a pot still this weekend and am going to take some time on a re-flux tower. My neighbor sold me a 10 ft length of 3 inch heavy wall copper for $40. I hardly know the guy but I'm in his debt and I hope he likes to drink. One good turn deserves another. Heres the shots of the Evil Weevils and some of their worms....... and once again... thanks folks!




and lastly,

[URL=http://s376.photobucket.com/user/m ... .jpg[/img][/url]
Last edited by tortoise on Fri Sep 06, 2013 1:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by jase1977 »

Cornfed50 wrote:Nightowl. Hello friend. First of all i understand your question and i will try and shed some light on your question. Please let me premise by saying this " There are quite a few people here whom i will not identify by name that are paranoid, shortsided and read too much crap into your type of question. So yes unfortunately they will be very negative and yes these people will become less than friendly because they fear the police, ABC or just any law enforcement altogether! Well my friend i dont censor grown people asking a simple question right or wrong. These people will.make their views known and you yourself will see bias and discrimination just like any social site. They either monitor and pm you about your post(s) or try to discredit your post on that thread. Please again do not judge this site by the few Glory seekers and mall cops on this site. This is site to have fun and share your experiences. I think once you realize there are boundaries here you will enjoy it better.. Now to answer your question. There is no correct answer there. Some people like 80 proof whiskey and some like me, like 135. No one sells anything illegal here of course! But there are many ways to blend your beverage. But taste and smell should be your initial guidelines. Cornfed

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Re: sweetfeed whisky


Went to the feed store today looking for Sweet Feed, they have more than one. I asked for the stuff with no pellets, again more than one. They didn't have Producers Pride, I remembered that much. What they did have was all grain, no pellets, 10 or 12%, ok, good. But, the list of ingredients included a bunch of things that sounded like preservatives, vitamin additions and the like. Does this matter? Or would their better sweet feed be fine? I can get back by there this week and would like to give this a try.
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by FullySilenced »

Producers Pride is only at Tractor Supply Company... its just corn, oats, barley, and molasses touch of propionic acid in the molasses... its in a lavender bag says All Grain on the front....

http://www.tractorsupply.com/en/store/p ... _vc=-10005" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow

closest TSC to you maybe ..

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Thanks FS, I was just out there the other day.
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Jimbo »

Some Feed stores call it Wet COB, meaning molasses on corn oats barley. Id stay away from anything with any additives. That Producers Pride 12% AG is good stuff. I made a nice smokey whiskey AG style out of it mashing with some smoked barley malts and 6 row.

Edit: Note many of the grains are whole, especially the oats, so youd be good to pass it through some form of grinder or between boards under a truck tire. ;-)
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by The schwartz »

I tried the sweet feed recipe.. It took about 2 weeks for the airlocks to stop bubbling. I used champagne yeast. The mash suddenly started to smell awful. Any ideas why? I distilled it any way and it tastes pretty good. Whe I added back set to my buckets I had to open the windows and door as it smelled so bad. Any help would be great
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Catch 22 »

Most recommend bakers yeast. I to had the smell problem too, but what I ran it, it sure tasted good and the 2nd generation that much better. I now have it aging on pigroasters charcoal strips and tasting even better with age. Gonna try 3rd or 4th this time around. Question: has anybody tried using all backset in the 2nd generation wash or just using 3 gallons? Your Thoughts
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Truckinbutch »

You can get into a pretty serious ph problem weth too much backset in subsequent generations .
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by ron71157 »

Well went to cook generation VIII. Had to do a small sacrificial cleaning run as i had to modify my easy flange. Much to my chagrin, i damaged a condenser tube and had to rework it. no cooking tonight but did complete the cleaning run with some rum feints. at least i didn't charge the still. have got 7-8 gallons of mash ready. Just finished sipping the last of GEN VII (apple-wood) and am pleasantly toasted. Unfortunately i'm out and am sipping gentleman jack. i do believe mine was better. Recently had a get-together and my associates agreed that my SF VII flavored with pear wood was the smoothest and most flavorful. Going to do the entire batch of GEN VIII on pear.

So be it; :D another day another batch. !!
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by frozenthunderbolt »

Catch 22 wrote:Question: has anybody tried using all backset in the 2nd generation wash or just using 3 gallons? Your Thoughts
I've done it for rum. Once you can get away with (from a new 1st gen wash). After that it takes a huge load of pH adjustment - 3-4 handfulls of lime in the 25 L wash as i recall

Better to go between 1/5 and 1/3 your total liquids as backset and use a little ph adjustment each time (As needed).
Where has all the rum gone? . . .

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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by ron71157 »

Generation VIII went well with 160 oz's @ 65% got me to:
flavoring on pear wood
flavoring on pear wood
will probably make some apple pie from the partial jar.

some Kinda fun!!
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by miauriel »

Hey everyone!

I have looked around and have not found an answer, so I apologize in advance if this has been answered. I am making my first batch of sweet feed and have a question regarding the measurement of the 4 inches of SF. I was going to use a smaller carboy but they are no longer available, so I will be using 5 gallon carboys.

My question is, my pot that I will be boiling in is very wide, so 4 inches of sweet feed will be a lot larger volume wise than if I had measured it in a less wide bucket. Can someone please use measuring cups and tell me how many cups 4 inches works out to in their bucket? I only have measuring cups, and the larger cooking measuring cups that go up to 3 cups at once.

SF here starts at $16 a bag so I dont want to use too much in my recipe, which will be the 4inch volume of SF, 5 lbs sugar, water, and yeast.

Thanks everyone! :wink:
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Stainless dude »

Take a five gallon bucket and pour in three or four inches of feed. There you go, it's not that critical...
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by miauriel »

I would If I had a five gallon bucket. If someone can tell me this than I will be able to use the recipe everywhere in anything and not worry about the measurement. the pot i have is A LOT bigger than a five gallon bucket, so it will be much more
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Stainless dude »

About six to seven quarts of feed will get you in the ballpark..
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by ron71157 »

Lets do the math:

My 6 gal. ale bucket has a 12 in diameter..The volume of a cylinder is represented mathematically as:

pi X radius (squared) X height that would be 3.14159 X 12 X 4 = 452 cubic inches. Now everybody knows that a 1 cup measure = 14.438 cubic inches.

Therefore 452 / 14.438 = 31.31 cups.

Again the Sweetfeed adds some flavor is all; the alcohol will come from the sugar head. The more important measurement is the starting specific gravity of the wash which will give you a potential ABV when its done fermenting. get a hydrometer if you don't already have one.

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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Bushman »

ron71157 wrote:Lets do the math:

My 6 gal. ale bucket has a 12 in diameter..The volume of a cylinder is represented mathematically as:

pi X radius (squared) X height that would be 3.14159 X 12 X 4 = 452 cubic inches. Now everybody knows that a 1 cup measure = 14.438 cubic inches.

Therefore 452 / 14.438 = 31.31 cups.

Again the Sweetfeed adds some flavor is all; the alcohol will come from the sugar head. The more important measurement is the starting specific gravity of the wash which will give you a potential ABV when its done fermenting. get a hydrometer if you don't already have one.

Have fun.
If the diameter of your bucket is 12 then the radius would be 6 squared or 36 not 12 in the equation! Your final answer was correct but your formula you gave was wrong.

I do like the way you are thinking :D
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by ron71157 »

I hate when that happens...You are correct. Thanks for the clarification Bushman
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Prairiepiss »

I dont know How hard it is to read through a thread to find the answer. And I don't know why it needs to be posted over and over again?

This is a quote from page 6 of this thread.
Yungin wrote:
NineInchNails wrote:Kentucky shinner,

Thanks for sharing this recipe! I'm a newb and have been reading MANY recipes, but I think that this one is going right to the top of my list.

I noticed that you were talking about doing a 30 gal ferment. I was just wondering ... have you ever weighed out the Sweetfeed in order to work out a ratio for this recipe?

When I find an interesting recipe, I usually like to enter the ratios of the recipe in Microsoft Excell in order to scale the recipe up or down to any porportions depending on the size of fermenter I have/how large of a wash I want to make. I know this is not rocket science or anything, but if ya happen to have the weight worked out I'd love to know what it is.
NineInchNails i jus put on a 50 gallon batch tonight and measured it out with the feed I have it's 7.69 lbs. Per 4 inches in a 5 gallon bucket. Will keep everyone posted on the outcome. Was goin to boil the sweet feed but didn't have the time to stir for that long. My boiler is a keg and would have taken two boils. But will keep u posted
So NIN posted that 4" in a 5 gal bucket is 7.69 lbs. It doesn't need to be exact. So let's break it down here.

You could go 1.5 to 1.75 lbs of sweetfeed and 1.5 to 1.75 lbs of sugar to a gallon of water. With no problems.

Or for the metric guys. .180 to .210 kg of sweetfeed and .180 to .210 kg sugar to 1 lt of water.

Or easier terms. Equal parts sweetfeed and sugar to end up with the SG you want.

It's not rocket science. And the answers are already here. If you look for them. I know its hard to do. So I did out of the kindness of my heart.

Hey maybe one of the mods could go in and edit the original post to add this info. So maybe the question won't keep popping up. Over and over and over? Please.

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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Jimbo »

Your metric math is off P. That'l teach you (them) for trying to be helpful, again.
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Prairiepiss »

There is .453592 kg in a pound. Multiply that by 1.5 lbs you get .680388 kg and 1.75 is .793786 kg.
Now there is 3.78541 lt in a gallon. So if you divide .680388 by 3.78541 you get .180 kg rounded. Divide .793786 by 3.78641 you get .210 rounded. So .180 to .210 kg to a lt. Where was I off? I've been know to mess up some metric conversions. :crazy:

Oh and .180 kg with a lt of water would be 9.6% ABV potential and 1.063 SG. .210 kg to a lt water would be 11.2% ABV potential 1.073 SG.

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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Jimbo »

Oh i missed the per liter bit... :oops: my bad. sorry.
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by miauriel »


I had looked around but Im never to forum's believe it or not. Knowing that the 4inch measurement is 7.7 lbs is good enough! thanks everyone! :ebiggrin:
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Thebigthumpa »

The sweetfeed I brought has sunflower seeds in it! Is this ok?
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Stainless dude »

I've never heard anyone say anything about sunflower seeds before. Probly wouldn't hurt anything though. Maybe your on to something new... :D
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Thebigthumpa »

Mixed it a up in the fermenter last night, and it's bubbling away this morning! I'll do 10 generations, (enough to get half a charge of low wines for my keg boiler) and see how it goes!
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Re: sweetfeed whisky..Finale on Evil Weevil Run

Post by tortoise »

The evil weevil batch is awesome. WOW! You guys and gals are awesome. I have some pic's of the still and my friend says it belongs in a circus its so funky... No matter. I ran 4 gallons of wash straight from my fermenter, no racking. Beginning and ending SG on my mash was 1.075 and 0.98. Cleaned the still with a box of wine 1st and got 70% ABV... and a swarm of bee's. There were hundreds of them swarming the wine run? I strained 4 gals of my SF mash and started it. I can't believe this home brew stuff..... after I tossed the 4 shots my ABV was 80%. My buddy who's been helping me couldn't believe it. He said it took months for them to get these ABV's from their two pot stills.... I got 6 pint jars from this starting at 80% and ending at 74%. Jar #6 is awful and undrinkable.. while the rest are divine and so smooth..yea! This is my first ever on anything to do with homemade liquor... Definately not my last... I'll write up a thing on the still and some idea's for the novice thread latter. This post is just a huge thanks to Kentucky Shiner for this most awesome recipe and the rest of you for all the help and ideas I was able to glean from this forum. I really like this SF a lot and it my be some time before I tire of it and try something else. I truly love the 80% just as is.... it's like sipping smooth sunshine without an umbrella... I don't think this first batch will last long enough to add some oak chips but the next will get a dose...... thanks again KS.. awesome recipe.. Tortoise
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Stillatryin »

This recipe has all of my friends thinking I'm Jack Daniels re-incarnated. Currently, I've got 44 gallons of wash/mash ready to run. I've played around with the recipe quite a bit. I use vitamins and fruit juice as a yeast nutriant. I find this comes out much better with some bicarbonate of soda added. I also add some
extra molassas to the mix. My run usually starts at around 70% and quite lower into the tails. I take the first quart off for killing ants and keep about 10 220z
jars. Jar 6,7, and 8 are heavenly. People have asked me why I don't age it.... why age something that is already awesome. I drink it with cranberry juice, cola, or straight. I cut it to 50% with bottled water.
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