Turbo clear with wash

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Turbo clear with wash

Post by tonym »

Has anyone had any luck using the two part turbo clear thats out there? The turbo yeasts are certainly yucky, and they seem to help a little... and for the most part you want other recipes to sit to clear/settle as well... just wondering if anyone has used the turbo clear WITHOUT the turbo yeast... maybe with a distiller yeast or champagne yeast run...
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Re: Turbo clear with wash

Post by WERAT »

I personally would not put anything in my wash that was not necessary. Why take a chance on adding something that may produce off tastes. I give my washes plenty of time to clear on their own.
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Re: Turbo clear with wash

Post by Prairiepiss »

If you can't wait for your wash to clear naturally. Then you probably should start another wash or two. Starting one the first week. And a second wash the second week. Then start a new one every week after that. Then you will have one available every week.

And clear is good. But we are not making wine here. It doesn't have to be completely clear. Yes a clear wash will turn out a little better. But at some point its just not practical.

I wouldn't waist the money on the clearing agents.

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Re: Turbo clear with wash

Post by Wewt »

Personally when I use a turbo (which is very rarely and only for the sakes of a fast ferment) I won't push it past 10-12 percent & it seems fine W/O CLEAR. That's while making whiskey. For vodka? I know it has off flavors from reading, but w/ clear? I'd liek to know too.
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Re: Turbo clear with wash

Post by tonym »

Thanks for the replys...

I haven't tried it yet... and I'm running it through a reflux still anyway so it may not even make a difference... I may try it on one just to see how it comes out....
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Re: Turbo clear with wash

Post by pounsfos »

I have used the clearing agent in both turbo yeast and in a normal wash.

it does clear alot faster, and I haven't noticed any taste difference, but why not save yourself some money and wait like 2-3 days for the yeast to drop out of suspense by themself :)
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Re: Turbo clear with wash

Post by bovillia »

What happens if you just run it with the yeast in suspension?
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Re: Turbo clear with wash

Post by trubbubble »

They say if you run it with the yeast still suspended, the yeast cells break apart and your spirit tastes like crap. I don't know first hand because I've never done it but, why would anybody wait for the stuff to clear if it wasn't necessary?

As for the turbo clear, I use it because it clears much faster. In fact, I just cleared a wash that finished fermenting today. I put part A in the wash at 3:15, part B in at 4:30 and my wash was clear by 6:30. I'm using a Fastferment conical fermenter with a trub ball on the bottom though so maybe I can transfer a bit sooner than you could from a carboy since I don't have to wait for the solids to form a dense mat. I just chuck out whatever is in the ball.

If you use turbo clear, the directions tell you to put in part A, mix really well, wait an hour and add part B to just the top and gently stir only the top. The ingredients for that stuff says it has sulphites in it which is what they put in wine to kill off any active yeast or bacteria. My guess is part A just kills any active yeast and Part B is the chitosan flocculant. The way they tell you to use it is a little odd to me because, if you've ever cleared murky water, you know you don't go all gentle with the flocculant. You mix the crap out of it and watch the solids crash out! I tried their method the first time and it didn't work very well at all even after 24 hours so now I mix part B in really good and then get the water swirling. The flocs form and fall out of solution very quickly that way.
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Re: Turbo clear with wash

Post by cdd »

I have "all things turbo" wash heating up in the boiler right now. Smells really clean btw, better than any Tried and True I've done.
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Re: Turbo clear with wash

Post by ShineonCrazyDiamond »

cdd wrote:I have "all things turbo" wash heating up in the boiler right now. Smells really clean btw, better than any Tried and True I've done.
Well. When you were running birdwatchers this was your sentiment.
cdd wrote:my reflux still doesn't produce any smell whatsoever during distilling.
Also, fermenter gasses are a non-issue.
I think I'll pass on your perspective as I am unable to appreciate it.
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