Plated Bok(plated column)VS. Plated column with dephlagmator

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Plated Bok(plated column)VS. Plated column with dephlagmator

Post by astronomical »

What are the benefits, if any, of a dephlag and product condenser configuration as opposed to a bok with a plate tree?

I doubt many people have both, but, what stands out? What would the differences in, speed, flavor, and purity be?

Does the dephlag help regulate the vapor speed between plates and offer seperation?

All thought and opinions on this would be greatly appreciated.


Edit: Vague use of the word plate and plated
Last edited by astronomical on Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Plated Bok VS. Plated column with dephlagmator

Post by Prairiepiss »

There are some good threads that explain the differences in the different designs. A column with a dephlagmater is a CM column and a boka is a LM. So you can look into the differences and learn how they operate. ... 46&t=13342

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Re: Plated Bok VS. Plated column with dephlagmator

Post by astronomical »

Perhaps I was too vague... I meant a bok with a plate tree, not just slant plates... Identical plated columns but one with a dephlag and then a product condenser and one with a Bok head.

I look forward to hearing from you. Sorry I wasn't more clear
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Re: Plated Bok(plated column)VS. Plated column with dephlagm

Post by astronomical »

rockchucker22 wrote:I built a 2" plated still both a take off both cm and lm but have sinced reporposed it. I made a 2" deplegamator that I used as the condensor, do a search some of us have played around with it.
I read your "2" bubble cap" thread and it still left me with the same questions. My biggest question is will a dephlag outperform a coil bove a plate tree. Both provide 100% reflux. Whats the difference? I also didnt see any mention of performance.

I already have a 2" bok for neutral and I'm looking to build a 3" plated column for whiskies and rums. It wouldnt hurt if i could remove the plate tree and use it as a neutral tower too. Thats my goal here.
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Re: Plated Bok(plated column)VS. Plated column with dephlagm

Post by astronomical »

rockchucker22 wrote:The only Benifit of the dephleg vs a coil is it can go from 100% reflux to none so product take off is much faster.
Wouldn't this be the same if you just opened the valve wide open on the plated column LM? I'm not trying to argue with you I'm just trying to understand.

Im now starting to think that the reduction in column size leading up the product condenser on a flute causes back pressure and keeps the vapor "in check". A bok never reduces. Perhaps this would be why a flute would outperform a plate tree bok of the same diameter and height. I really have no clue though.

Would you say that your 2" bubble bok produced a similar product as your 4" flute but at 1/4 the speed? (I'm going off bok diameter rates as a comparison to try and determine efficiency)
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Re: Plated Bok(plated column)VS. Plated column with dephlagm

Post by aknewb1s »

So how would a 4" plated boka compare to a 4" plated dephlagmator?

As far as the boka's takeoff, you could use something bigger than a 1/4" needle.
manu de hanoi
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Re: Plated Bok VS. Plated column with dephlagmator

Post by manu de hanoi »

Prairiepiss wrote:There are some good threads that explain the differences in the different designs. A column with a dephlagmater is a CM column and a boka is a LM. So you can look into the differences and learn how they operate. ... 46&t=13342
this is the correct answer, both can do 0 to 100% reflux but the LM(boka) gives finer control because the coolant flow and temperature variation dont affect the reflux, because response time is faster and because under high reflux the needle valve on the LM gives better control than if for exemple you had a lot of pressure in your water line that you had to control finely with whatever valve on a CM.

Boka is also easier to build.

One problem with the boka is that distillate will be hot, you can add a product condenser to it, or some other contraptions
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