I took Jimbo's advice and here is my" Apple Jack Recipe" or "Brandy". I took a bushel of Apples assorted mixture (no Granny's)Since I did not have access to a press and using a drywall mixing spade made a mess, I decided to go old school on them with a cypress post and a bucket. (it's like NACAR here, We race with what we brought to the track)
Smashed them up to a chunky mush
The apples were some of the sweetest I have ever tasted, but there was not a lot of juice so I added 5 gals of fresh apple cider. I brought the cider up to 80 degrees and added to the apple mash mixture. Made a yeast starter with one packet of EC1118 and pitched that in after a hour of making and let it do it's thing
The next morning almost all of the water was out of the vapor lock, it was like a mini volcano, so now I push down the tightly pack apple cap twice a day
My first batch is still fermenting out after two week, after 9 days of this fermenting it was getting to be a pane in the ass pushing down the cap, so I took all the solids that were floating on top and squeezed them thru a fine nylon mesh bag and dumped what little solid that was left in the bag back into the wash for added flavor and yeasties. Took it from the primary fermenter and racked them into carboys, so I can try this new recipe I got going while it still apple season.
Plan is to run all the feint's I collected from the first batch and add it to my new batch I have going, run it, added some of my heavily toasted white oak and forget about till next apple season then give it a pull and see if the recipe needs any tweaking. Any thoughts out there? Has any one added cinnamon for added flavor?