2 valve reflux still

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2 valve reflux still

Post by Lonesome Loins »

I'm completely new to distilling spirits. My only experience has been in homebrewing, so at least that's a start.
Here's a photo of the still I just ordered:
2 valve reflux still.JPG
It appears to be similar to http://moonshine-still.com/valved-reflux-still-head/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow At least I hope so, since the operation guide is included in the latter.

It hasn't even arrived yet, but I'm trying to learn as much as I can ahead of time. There are two ports for pocket thermometers, one at the top of the column, the other at the top of the condenser. What am I looking for in terms of temperature, or temperature differential at those two locations?

I still have to source a boiler, probably a half keg with a sanke fitting, to fit the column.
After a checkout/safety/test run with water, I plan to run a very simple sugar wash with as simple a nutrient addition as possible.
I would greatly appreciate advice about running this particular setup.
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Re: 2 valve reflux still

Post by Prairiepiss »

It's an offset Nixon stone LM Refluxe still. There are better operating instructions here. You can find them in the must read new distiller reading lounge.

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Re: 2 valve reflux still

Post by aj2456 »

from what ive seen on here seems to be called a nixon stone still i think? (beaten to it my MR piss :D)

anyway sure with plenty of reading u'll be getting good likker from it in no time

oh and be sure to source ur keg legally ;)
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Re: 2 valve reflux still

Post by Lonesome Loins »

aj2456 wrote:from what ive seen on here seems to be called a nixon stone still i think? (beaten to it my MR piss :D)

anyway sure with plenty of reading u'll be getting good likker from it in no time

oh and be sure to source ur keg legally ;)
Yeah. That's the next step. I'm hoping to find one locally to avoid shipping costs. Also be nice to get a retired one; no sense in paying for a valve I just have to remove and discard. I like the idea of a boiler, or one of those kegs that has been adapted, that has a domed top. This is all set up to connect to a 2" sanke keg top.
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Re: 2 valve reflux still

Post by myles »

Lonesome Loins wrote: It hasn't even arrived yet, but I'm trying to learn as much as I can ahead of time. There are two ports for pocket thermometers, one at the top of the column, the other at the top of the condenser. What am I looking for in terms of temperature, or temperature differential at those two locations?
Top of column - it does not matter what the temperature is. What is important is that the temperature stays the same and does not change. Down to 1/10 th of a degree C.

Top of the condenser - if this is the only opening in the cap it is not a thermo port it is an air vent. Air has to be able to move freely in and out of the condenser to equalise the pressure changes caused by the vapour condensing into liquid. If it is a thermo port it is of limited value.
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Re: 2 valve reflux still

Post by Lonesome Loins »

myles wrote:
Lonesome Loins wrote: It hasn't even arrived yet, but I'm trying to learn as much as I can ahead of time. There are two ports for pocket thermometers, one at the top of the column, the other at the top of the condenser. What am I looking for in terms of temperature, or temperature differential at those two locations?
Top of column - it does not matter what the temperature is. What is important is that the temperature stays the same and does not change. Down to 1/10 th of a degree C.

Top of the condenser - if this is the only opening in the cap it is not a thermo port it is an air vent. Air has to be able to move freely in and out of the condenser to equalise the pressure changes caused by the vapour condensing into liquid. If it is a thermo port it is of limited value.
Thanks. I'll ask the designer/maker. Speaking of an 'air vent,' this is something that puzzles me. It goes against my nature to run a closed system. Sounds like a bomb, at least until the product valve is opened. I understand that with a condenser the vapor is ... well... condensed into liquid, thus relieving some pressure. Still, I'd like a relief valve somewhere so if I screw up and the pressure gets too high, the pressure is released where I want it, which is to say 'safely.'

Yet... what is the difference between an air vent and a 'leak?' :)
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Re: 2 valve reflux still

Post by MrAlarming »

There will be no pressure built up, even before you open the take off valve. I run a similar unit, and the top of the still head can be open (no cap). I put a cap on mine but there is big holes the condenser tubes go through, and the cap is loose enough and is not soldered on. Mine serves as a dust cap only.
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Re: 2 valve reflux still

Post by Richard7 »

Lonesome Loins wrote: Yet... what is the difference between an air vent and a 'leak?' :)
A vent is where you want it (after the condenser) a leak is where you don't want it! (vapor coming out of the still) :thumbup:
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Re: 2 valve reflux still

Post by Prairiepiss »

I would not think about the domed top conversion on the keg. There really is no reason to do it. Leave the keg unmolested.

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Re: 2 valve reflux still

Post by myles »

Have to agree with the sentiments just above. The only reason to molest a keg is for a bigger opening for cleaning purposes - and even that is dubious. A keg has been designed to be leak proof, I would need a really good reason to cut a hole in one.
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Re: 2 valve reflux still

Post by BanjoInWA »

Hello and welcome.

+1 on not molesting a keg. You seem to have a great attention to safety and it is my opinion that cutting and welding a keg opens opportunities for leaks and other issues. I recently put a hole in my keg in order to convert it to electric. The ease of use and the elimination of an open flame (not to mention easier to conceal) was a respectable pay off IMO.

As far as pressure goes, I've run three different styles of stills and the only thing close to a pressure problem was allowing my top plate to fill to the bottom of the first condenser causing it to "burp" an unexpected amount of distillate. Not good when I was using propane. Your setup is different so you shouldn't have that problem.

I'm sure your excitement level is building as you wait for delivery... Good luck, have fun, and be safe. Let us know how things go.
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Re: 2 valve reflux still

Post by Lonesome Loins »

Thanks and yes! I've got the top half and scored a 15 gal keg day before yesterday and been cleaning it after removing the valve. Two days into a 5 gal. ferment using the all bran Rx (but with K's 'Special K w/strawberries) Bubbling away happily and it smells better than any beer I've brewed did at this stage. Can't wait to heat up the boiler. I'll use a heavy duty camp propane burner at least for the initial cleaning runs. If I stick with that, I'll be very careful. I plan to take the distillate into containers which will be set in a larger pan on top of a table as far from the burner as possible.

All I have left to do is get a good setup for the hose connections for the cooling water with a separate valve to control water flow.
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Re: 2 valve reflux still

Post by bellybuster »

you might want to consider building a small product cooler as with this kind of still the product comes off quite hot. I have yet to build one for mine but its on the short list
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Re: 2 valve reflux still

Post by Lonesome Loins »

bellybuster wrote:you might want to consider building a small product cooler as with this kind of still the product comes off quite hot. I have yet to build one for mine but its on the short list
Thanks! Didn't know that. I've been thinking of extending the product outflow tube anyway, to get it farther away from the boiler/heater. I assume a longer copper pipe would have some cooling effect by itself. Any down side in ... say... a 4' copper extension? I suppose you could run it thru a simple cold water bath if necessary.
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Re: 2 valve reflux still

Post by Richard7 »

Lonesome Loins wrote: Any down side in ... say... a 4' copper extension? I suppose you could run it thru a simple cold water bath if necessary.
I have a 4' take off line on mine to get the product where I want to collect at a safe distance from the propane.
My product still comes off kinda hot but not so bad that I feel like I need to do something about right away.
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My First Distill

Post by Lonesome Loins »

After waiting 4 weeks for my first effort to finish fermenting, I almost lost interest in distilling it.
But, boredom finally prevailed. The mash was mainly cane sugar and some Special K with strawberries and baker's yeast.

What I finally loaded into the keg/boiler was about 4 gallons of the 5 I started with. I racked it twice, but still didn't get rid of all the yeast and whatever. Didn't want to clean that crap out of the boiler. the mash or wash or whatever you call it was about 9% or 10% ABV.
I'M HOPING BY POSTING THIS YOU FOLKS can tell me how close I got to doing it right and make suggestions.

I didn't really have a clue about how to use the valve that let's some of the distillate back into the main column, so fairly soon into the process I just closed it.

Anyway, since I really didn't know what I was doing, or what to test for, I used 5 bottles labeled *, 1, 2, 3, 4.
I put the first 50 ml or so into * than more into 1, most into 2 and 3 and the last 100 ml or so in 4

Naturally the middle cuts taste the best, most neutral, but I really don't trust my sense of taste and smell since I've never done this before.... And I wasn't very scientific about how much I diluted the samples. That first table spoon I tried neat that went into bottle * tasted like it could strip paint.
Bottles 1, 2 and 3 are about 1.75 L altogether. I really didn't know how long to collect distillate, but did a rough calculation in my head while tending the still. I figured I'd get about 1 gal if it was 40% or 1/2 gal. at 80% The middle cuts were 70% when I tested, when I tested again at bottle 4 it was down to 50% or less and I had what I figured was the right amount of liquid, and it didn't taste very good so I quit. Was getting tired of the process anyway. Sorry I didn't keep track of the time it took. I'll guess about 2 to 2.5 hours.
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Re: 2 valve reflux still

Post by bellybuster »

sounds like you may have rushed things a bit. 2-2.5 hours isn't even close to enough time for that run.

have a read of this ( http://homedistiller.org/forum/viewtopi ... 63&t=13265 ) and next time follow it to the letter. It will get you a good run that you can learn from and make decisions from. Collect in many small jars and make cuts from there. I use 250ml jars. Once you know your still well you can change this up too.
Even with the shorter than normal column you should have easily hit 90-93%.
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Re: 2 valve reflux still

Post by Lonesome Loins »

Thanks! I'll take a close look at this.
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